An exciting moment in my tv watching life
So there we were, last night, watching tv. We watch A LOT of tv. The baby had gone to bed for the night and we got ready for dr. Phil and then I don't know what crap (the end of that Earl show~ what the hell is that, anyway?) and finishing it up with the Office. Somewhere in the middle of it all, it happened. Some kind of credit card commercial with Wes Anderson in it! Ahhh... redemption from horribly annoying "we're businesspeople" IBM commercials. Have I ever told you how much I hate IBM commercials? Anyway, so there's Wes, talking about making movies and using his American Express card. I love him. I LOVE HIM!
Here are some of the awesome movies the Wes Anderson has made:
~The Royal Tennenbaums
~That under the sea movie with Bill Murray. I forget what it's called. That one wasn't my favorite.
My favorite, of course, is Rushmore. Starring the weird Jason Schwartzman and the comedic god, Bill Murray. Favorite part... well, I guess it's when Max gives Herman the Punctuality pin. But, then any part with Mr. Littlejeans is truly wonderful. "Best play ever".
These movies are not for everyone. They are a little weird to some. To me, they are clever and funny. It was wonderful to see Wes Anderson hocking American Express cards. Makes me want to sign up for one.
A question I ponder from time to time... (and I really do think this) "How can I align myself with Bill Murray so we can meet?" Hey, there's a lot of time to think when you're giving a baby a bottle four times a day.
Have a bitchin weekend... and keep out on the lookout for Wes!
What should we do today?
It's really hot outside. Usually on a Tuesday, the Baby and I take a little walk to the mall in the early afternoon. However, I repeat, it's really hot outside. Another option is to put him in the car and drive to Target, Babies R Us, or other such places. But that requires me to put him in the car and I'm just not that motivated today. He doesn't seem to mind. Usually he's cranking up if he hasn't been somewhere by this point of the day, but we've been playing all day and he seems cool with it.
Later this afternoon, when my baby's daddy gets home, we'll be going over to the pool for our late afternoon swim... which has become the summer replacement of dock walks (too hot for those, too). I guess that's about it... it's been a nice day for mother and son here.
We have so much fruit in the house. My husband bought all this fruit when he went to the store, which is cool, because I like fruit. But what happens is I start feeling all this pressure to eat all the fruit before it goes bad. So, there's like two oranges, 2 apples, watermelon, some fruit salad and a banana. How does 1 person eat all that. I already ate the banana... it looked like it was going to be the first to go. I hate wasting food but no one can eat that much fruit.
The search has begun...
Well, we have officially begun looking for a new place to live. We looked at a house available for rent in our range today, and let's just say, it was gross. I think this is going to be a little tricky. It's so hard not having money, especially when you have a baby.
Anyway, we had a great weekend. The baby was pretty much a trooper throughout. We actually fullfilled most of our weekend plans (I didn't make it to the babyshower) and we had a pretty good time. The three of us are still going swimming in the late afternoon which is a nice way to end the day. Hope everyone else out there had a good weekend.
I heart Fridays
Have I ever told you guys that I love Fridays? It's my favorite day of the week. The possibilities of the weekend are endless. Ahhh...
We have sketchy plans throughout the weekend. They are as follows:
Friday~ Dinner with Robert and Kim? Very nice neighbors... Don't know how they'll feel about eating dinner with a baby at 4:00pm though.
Baby shower on Sat.
Sunday? I can't remember. Oh, crap, now I know. My excellent cousin and her husband are coming to town and we are supposed to meet up for lunch or something (hopefully at Wag's). I'm excited to see her and her husband and also to return the bassinette they so graciously shared with us. (Be sure to leave a little room in your car for that treasure, guys!)
Anyway, the baby is sleeping IN HIS CRIB! You guys, I'm such a firm and consistent mom!! I'm so proud of myself. It sucks while he cries for a few minutes, but everyday that we've been home together, he's taken his morning nap in the crib. When I was pregnant and when the baby was first born, my husband and I would watch Supernanny and we'd chastise the parents, but inside I'd be thinking, oh my god, what if we end up like this?! Well, the napping in the crib is a small step in the right direction saying that The Parents are in Charge. YES! I say that, because, to be honest, I really hate bratty kids, and I really don't want to have one.
Must go... have to make the most of this thirty minute break.
Have a great weekend.... LJ, I"ll see you at Wag's.
It's all about me
I saw this survey on a friend's blog and thought it looked fun... I think it originally comes from My Space.
Name: Suebaby
Birthday: 4/9/77
Birthplace: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Current Location: Orlando, FL
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'8"
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: German, Irish, Lithuanian, etc.
The Shoes You Wore Today: I have not yet worn shoes today... when I do it will probably be flip flops.
Your Weakness: Chick Fil A
Your Fears: being trapped underwater
Your Perfect Pizza: husband's homemade pizza with garlic and banana peppers
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: starting the business
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I don't really IM, so I don't know.
Thoughts First Waking Up: Time to make the bottle (In the Dunkin Donuts guy's voice)
Your Best Physical Feature: I have been told my legs, but they are so skinny that I don't really agree. Perhaps my hair?
Your Bedtime: Last night I was in bed at 8:30... always before 10.
Your Most Missed Memory: playing in the pool with Bobo
Coke or Pepsi: Coke!!!!!!!! I hate pepsi.
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds!!!!!
Single or Group Dates: I like both, but lately I'm all about single dates because my husband and I don't get much alone time.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I actually drink crystal light tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: who would even say vanilla?
Cappuccino or Coffee: Yuck. I don't drink coffee or crappuccino.
Do you Smoke: Not anymore!
Do you Swear: Yes, and more than I should.
Do you Sing: I'm a terrible singer and last night I had a nightmare that I had to sing in public.
Do you Shower Daily: Yes!
Have you Been in Love: Yes.
Do you want to go to College: I did, BS and MA.
Do you want to get Married: I guess you could say I'm the marrying kind. Deliriously happily married.
Do you belive in yourself: Absolutely.
Do you get Motion Sickness: One time I felt queasy after going on a roller coaster... turned out I was about a week pregnant at the time.
Do you think you are Attractive: A tricky question. If I say no, I have low self esteem. If I say yes, I'm conceited. Yes.
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes, although they make me crazy.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Not since the fire in my apt. caused by lightening six years ago.
Do you play an Instrument: I played the piano as a kid.
In the past month have you drank alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you Smoked: No, I don't smoke anymore.
In the past month have you been on drugs: No.
In the past month have you gone on a date: Yes, with my husband.
In the past month have you eaten a box of oreos: No, I'm not really a big oreo person.
In the past month have you eaten sushi: Not too into sushi either
In the past month have you been on stage: yes, helping at LW Family Fun Night
In the past month have you been dumped:No!
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping: No
In the past month have you stolen anything: No I don't do that anymore either.
Ever been Drunk: maybe a few times...
Ever been called a tease: Yes.
Ever been beaten up: No.
How do you want to die: In my sleep.
What do you want to be when you grow up: I am currently all the things that I want to be. Wife, mom, counselor, friend.
What country would you most like to visit: Italy and France with my husband.
Number of CDs I own: Less than 20
Number of Piercings: 6
Number of Tattoos: No tats
Number of things in my Past I Regret: I don't have any regrets although I definitely feel bad for hurting a few people.
we's gots to be movin' on
I mean that, literally. Today we received a not so friendly letter telling us that our lease would not be renewed at our apartment complex. This is because of the argument that was had following the leaking ceiling/ mold/ rotten wood cabinets situations. Thank you to all of you who have offered advice and ideas to handle this crappy situation, but we're just going to go with the flow at this point. If they want us out... ok, fine, we'll leave. These people have made our lives crappy for long enough, and if they don't want us to live here, we'll just go somewhere else where people are nice.
I believe it's all for the better anyway. I believe this building has an underlying mold problem that, while they've cleaned up all the mold in our apt, I still think the spores are just floating around in the air... and into our nostrils and into our lungs... and the owner now hates us so much that even if we stayed, if we ever had some maintenance concern (like say our dishwasher broke or something), she would probably just chalk it up to us "complaining" and give us hell for it.
So, it sucks to have to move and we've enjoyed this apt, butI guess that's that, matress man.
So we plan to move.
Up for consideration (and you won't like this one, Stef): Kissimmee. For business, financial, and family reasons, it's a good choice. We'll see. It's just a thought right now.
Plus, as I've learned in life... (and it's cliche-y, but true... as is often the case with cliches) you just never know where life is going to take you. Moving to a new place could lead to all sorts of positive things... new oppurtunities, new friends (maybe some babies for our baby to play with), etc.
In comparison to some of the hard things we've dealt with in the past year or so, this is not such a big deal. I'll keep you posted on our soon to be adventures of finding a new adobe.
I'd also like to give a big shout out to Wendi K. of MN for remembering my birthday and to my Bobo for reading my blog. Love you, Bobo.
The baby napped in the crib again. This time it wasn't some fluke success thing, though, like on Wednesday. We battled it out for an hour. I was prepared for battle, too. I knew it would not be easy, so I made sure to eat a few cinnamon Lifes, and drink some iced tea... so I would have fuel for battle. I also planned ahead and the two of us played on the floor for the hour leading up to the nap, so he would be good and tired.
Then it happened. 9:00am. Naptime. I slowly put the toys away, closed the blinds, sang a little nappy time song, and put the little guy in the crib. I told him I loved him and to have a good nap and then I left.
This was fine for a few minutes. For about 10 minutes, he played, not getting it yet. Then he started to get mad. He fussed. Then he cried. Then he screamed. I didn't leave him alone the whole time, I went in and picked him up, kissed and hugged him, but put him back in the crib. He continued the battle by screaming until he almost fell asleep in my arms at 10:00. I kept telling myself... I can do it, I can outlast him. I wanted to just put him in the stroller and take him on a walk... he always falls asleep that way. But he needs to learn to nap in his own bed. I kept talking to myself and somehow got through it. It reminded me of when I was a little kid and I used to talk to myself. I would tell myself things like "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt" when I'd fall off my bike. And it would almost always work. And it worked today... although I did wonder if anyone had ever actually lost hearing after holding a screaming baby for twenty minutes.
I laid him down right before he actually fell asleep and before closing his eyes, he looked at me as if to say... "You may have won the battle... but not the war..."
I wonder what this afternoon will bring.
An hour of crying and what did it result in? A thirty minute nap. The sounds of him waking up thirty minutes later were like a cruel joke. But, he napped in the crib again... and even though it was short, he still did it and that means I RULE!!!!!!!!
Great News
I would just like to share that our son took a nap. In his crib. For almost one whole hour. I can hardly believe it. What an amazing, wonderful event.
A mini rant on society's view of motherhood
Funny how your life becomes complete and total hell when your child won't take an F'ing nap. I really don't even have the energy to share the details about this experience with you, so instead I will just play that game of talking about the first thing that come to mind. A sort of free association, if you will. Will you?
So I will talk about Wife Swap.
Acutally, no I won't.
How come I always seem so incredibly grumpy about being a mom. How come anytime I'm ever reading some other mom's blog, it's all peaches and roses. And I know it's not, but they write like it is. Why in the hell is that? It's that kind of misrepresentation of reality that makes me mad. Why are people so afraid to tell it like it is? What are they worried about? Judgment, probably. I don't know. Or maybe, their lives are super great and their babies take naps and they have time to eat and drink caffeinated beverages. Maybe, but I don't think so.
I think it's hard for everyone, but most women won't say that. Or they'll say, "Being a mom sure keeps me on my toes!" with a little happy face icon following it. But the question is, why won't they really just say it?
Society. That's what I think. I think that women/ girls are socialized to think that having babies and loving it is one of the main joys/ reasons for life. And to admit that it's hard, that it sucks, that you'd really rather be doing something else, makes you sound either like a failure, or even worse, a BAD MOTHER. And we all know that NO woman who has a child wants to be a bad mother... why? because society tells you that you should not only love being a mommy but you should be good at it, too. Nice little vicious cycle.
It just frustrates me because I think that due to this whole thing, I grew up with a skewed view on motherhood. I thought it was going to be fun and easy and I would love it. I mean I didn't literally think all of those things, I'm not a total idiot, but I did think that I was just going to be incredibly happy and satisfied with it all the time. I think that if women were more honest about what it's like, new moms would have a better idea of what to expect. I know I had truly no idea of what I was getting into and I have experience with kids and babies... but it didn't even compare to one day of actually being a mommy.
So, I'm admitting it. Sometimes it really sucks. Sometimes I'd rather be doing almost anything else. Sometimes I just want to run away and cry. And I know that that doesn't make me a bad mom or wife or person. So there.
Side of Ranch
The answer to the earlier question I posed is: Both. We are both stupid and brave. Stupid because that little monkey did not take a nap until almost one o' clock. As you may be able to imagine, a baby that does not sleep well, wakes up at eight and is up until one (that's five straight hours) is NOT a happy boy. But, we are also brave because he finally fell asleep, woke up pretty happy, sat on that Bunny's lap and... smiled!!!! for his pictures.
I feel that my husband and I have conquered the world today.
It was also the first day that we put the little guy's feet in the pool... and he liked it!
On another note, aren't navel oranges so yummy? They're like candy.
On yet another note, my husband has a great big pile of clothes on the floor on his side of the bed almost all the time regardless of day, time, or if the house has just been cleaned. He refers to it as his Hamster Nest. Today, he put a laundry basket on the floor to catch the said "Nest". Neater? Yes Funny? Not as much as a big pile of clothes called the hamster nest.
One more note: Has anyone ever realized that during the Zatarain's commercials, it sounds like they're singing, "Side of Ranch" instead of "Zatarains"? I hadn't realized this until it was brought to my attention by my husband last night while we were trying to go to sleep. For some reason, this caused us to be in hysterics, laughing like crazy while trying not to make any noise. It was reminiscent of slumber parties, when you cracked up for what seemed like hours, praying you didn't wake up your mom. Too Funny!
The plan is this...
The plan is this... take the little guy to the mall... where we go EVERY DAY... to take some pictures with the Easter bunny. Now, I'm not a religious person at all anymore, but I still want that baby to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap for his first Easter.
The Kink in the Plan... our little angel did NOT sleep well last night. It's our fault, too. We jinxed it. We talked about how good he'd been sleeping. Well, he was up several times, once around three, when his diaper was so full of pee that it started leaking out. So, he needed new jammies and a new diaper. My husband kindly took care of this one. THEN, he was up again at 5:30, just crying away. We broke down and fed him a bottle. Then he fell asleep in my lap at six am, and I was planning to put him back in the crib, when the AIR CONDITIONER kicked on and the tiny slight noise that makes, woke him back up. Is it possible to kill an air conditioner? I considered this at six am. I pretty much just put him back in the crib at this point, wide awake, and I guess at some point he fell asleep because he and I and my husband all woke up at eight.
So, in reality, I'm thinking we're going to dress him in his silly little pastel outfit, take him to the mall and try to get him to smile while he sits with a big tall furry bunny, knowing that he's going to scream like a banshee the whole time. But, we're trying it anyway. Are we stupid or brave? I don't know, I'm too tired to figure it out.
Reflections of the way life used to be...
Well, I am officially almost 29. I've been reflecting on my twenties here and there over the past couple of days. I know I still have another year before 30, but I couldn't help but reminisce somewhat.
During my twenties, I:
~found my true love and married him, despite tremendous obstacles that stood in our way.
~had our baby... owww.
~owned two cars
~lived in seven different apartments, one condo, and one house.
~traveled a little bit (but not enough... but there's still one year of my twenties left).
~made it halfway through the first year with our baby... complete with colic, reflux, arachnoid cysts, etc...
~thought my new husband was going to die of a mysterious diabetes- like disease... which turned out to be kidney stones (we think) while I was six months pregnant
~got a divorce from first husband
~had one apartment get struck by lightening and catch on fire while I was in it.
~got a bachelor's and master's degree
~became a licensed mental health counselor
~had both grandmas and my one grandpa die
~snorkled with and held a stingray
~climbed a waterfall
~went skinnydipping a few times
~cut my hair super short twice
~had a belly button ring
~worked in a hallmark store
~worked at frederick's of hollywood
~cost my first husband a job by drinking too much at an office party (oops...)
~broke an air purifier (that one's for you, Amy)
Maybe I'll think of more...
The morning routine
I seem to think of ideas to write about in this blog when I'm at the mall or in the car or at work. Then, when I actually have a minute to sit down and write... I can't remember any of the good ideas that I had. So here I sit, with nothing to say. That might be because we've had, what one might call, a very trying morning. We have a lovely routine/ schedule that despite the time change we've pretty much stuck to. The Baby knows that it's time for a bottle then he plays, then we have some breakfast, then it's time for a nap. The breakfast thing NEVER goes well. He loves applesauce and would have none of it. So, I think he's tired and try to put him down for an early nap. This results in (as of right this second) him sitting in his swing staring at me making broken down engine noises. Oh, wait he's drifting off. Maybe he really was tired. I don't really know why though because we all got up at seven. However, I guess I really don't know how much of the time from 6:00pm to 7:00am he's actually sleeping.
Today we have to make a trip out to Babies R Us to buy baby food and a present for someone else having a baby. I'm just glad it's not me.
I'm pretty tired too. I guess that's all for now.
The massive cranium expanision has currently ceased.
Happy April Fool's Day!
I love April Fool's Day, but we didn't get too into it this year. We were a little distracted with a doctor appt. Our son had his six month check up and I'm happy to say that his head is currently growing proportionately with his body!! This means that either the cyst isn't really growing at all, or that it's at least growing at the same rate as his whole head and rest of his body.
He also now weighs in at 15 lbs, 5 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long.
After the appt., we took him all over the city to distract him from his sore little thighs. He did great and we ended up having another wonderful saturday.
One benefit of having water pour into your bedroom through your ceiling: suddenly you have the opportunity to clean and organize your bedroom and more specifically, under the bed. I love getting rid of stuff I don't need and today I threw out a lot of old sentimental stuff (old cards, letters, pictures) that were nice to keep, but what was I ever going to do with it all. It's a great sense of satisfaction.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.