Saturday, April 08, 2006

Side of Ranch

The answer to the earlier question I posed is: Both. We are both stupid and brave. Stupid because that little monkey did not take a nap until almost one o' clock. As you may be able to imagine, a baby that does not sleep well, wakes up at eight and is up until one (that's five straight hours) is NOT a happy boy. But, we are also brave because he finally fell asleep, woke up pretty happy, sat on that Bunny's lap and... smiled!!!! for his pictures.

I feel that my husband and I have conquered the world today.

It was also the first day that we put the little guy's feet in the pool... and he liked it!

On another note, aren't navel oranges so yummy? They're like candy.

On yet another note, my husband has a great big pile of clothes on the floor on his side of the bed almost all the time regardless of day, time, or if the house has just been cleaned. He refers to it as his Hamster Nest. Today, he put a laundry basket on the floor to catch the said "Nest". Neater? Yes Funny? Not as much as a big pile of clothes called the hamster nest.

One more note: Has anyone ever realized that during the Zatarain's commercials, it sounds like they're singing, "Side of Ranch" instead of "Zatarains"? I hadn't realized this until it was brought to my attention by my husband last night while we were trying to go to sleep. For some reason, this caused us to be in hysterics, laughing like crazy while trying not to make any noise. It was reminiscent of slumber parties, when you cracked up for what seemed like hours, praying you didn't wake up your mom. Too Funny!


At 7:48 PM , Blogger sandie said...

The word "Chubs" cracks men up like that.

I used to be on a bar trivia team called "CHUBZ" also. Haha!

At 9:45 PM , Blogger Wendi Kitsteiner said...

My husband has had this pile on the side of his bed for 8 years. However, they are SEPARATE piles (dirty, not dirty, and could be worn again.) I picked it all up once and he was like, "WHAT? You even picked up the NOT that dirty pile."

I just make sure his side of the bed is next to the wall so no one can see that.

At 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much to Jason's dismay it is usually me that has the big pile of clothes lying about. I could live out of the clean laundry basket. I just move the cat out of the way and choose whatever wrinkled, cat hair adorned article of clothing I'd like to wear that day. Jason is very paticular about the laundry. He won't let me do it any more since I almost burned the house down on my last attempt. Ha, Ha, Ha, little does he know my plan is working perfectly!!

At 7:50 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

Ah, we finally hear from Stefanini... I am also married to a man very particular about his laundry. I once kindly offered to iron his shirt for him and was told, "No, that's ok... I'm pretty particular about my shirts". this coming from the same man who has the hamster nest.


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