Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The morning routine

I seem to think of ideas to write about in this blog when I'm at the mall or in the car or at work. Then, when I actually have a minute to sit down and write... I can't remember any of the good ideas that I had. So here I sit, with nothing to say. That might be because we've had, what one might call, a very trying morning. We have a lovely routine/ schedule that despite the time change we've pretty much stuck to. The Baby knows that it's time for a bottle then he plays, then we have some breakfast, then it's time for a nap. The breakfast thing NEVER goes well. He loves applesauce and would have none of it. So, I think he's tired and try to put him down for an early nap. This results in (as of right this second) him sitting in his swing staring at me making broken down engine noises. Oh, wait he's drifting off. Maybe he really was tired. I don't really know why though because we all got up at seven. However, I guess I really don't know how much of the time from 6:00pm to 7:00am he's actually sleeping.

Today we have to make a trip out to Babies R Us to buy baby food and a present for someone else having a baby. I'm just glad it's not me.

I'm pretty tired too. I guess that's all for now.


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