Monday, March 27, 2006

Thank you, my son.

I'm thanking my son because he was a total nightmare yesterday. Fussy, crying, not napping... an overall pain in the neck. Why would I thank him for this? Because if he wasn't so awful, then I might have died of happiness from the greatest anniversary ever. There is a full recap of gifts on my husband's blog ( if you are interested in that sort of thing. Let me assure you, they were romantic and creative and wonderful.

Let me just say that it was so awesome. Grammy and grampy came over to babysit and we got to hit an old bar for a record 2 Beers At One Sitting Each!! Then we had a super yummy and romantic dinner at this cool little Italian restaurant... so good. We were planning to get shakes from steak and shake for dessert, but suddenly my husband had a headache and my stomach hurt so we just headed home. We crashed and (thanks again, little baby) slept all the way until 7:00am this morning.

I am so crazy about my husband. He is so fun and funny and wonderful. What an amazingly great night. I literally walked around work today with a grin on my face. Getting out at night every once in a while can be priceless.


At 7:17 PM , Blogger Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Congrats on your first year! Marriage is awesome and I highly recommend it. I suppose I am now a veteran? (Gulp). It will be eight years this May. Woah, we are old. Also, I still demand not to be called "girly" in reply to your post although I am definitely a much more stylish with-it chick even though I'd much prefer to watch the game then hang out with gals. I'm enjoying your blog!


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