Thursday, March 09, 2006

The 'Rents...

My parents are moving away. They live in South Florida, as they have my whole life. They are in the process of moving to North Carolina. Clarification~ my mom and stepdad.

They are in NC right now, looking for a house. Brad, Brad, My Cool Stepdad was on his way to a job interview on Monday, and got in a really bad car accident. He's OK, thank god... but he is pretty sore... he spent the night in the hospital and the rental car was totalled, etc, etc. I really feel for them because how awful and scary to have something like that happen, and on top of that, when you're in a strange city, trying to buy a house, etc.

This whole thing with them moving has been very difficult for me. Right now they live about three hours away. I have seen them considerably less since getting pregnant and having our son, but they were still not very far, and I just figured (that's what you get for assuming, I guess), that we were going to see them a lot once the baby came. When they move, they will be eight hours away (by car), which sucks. I've been told over and over by my family that eight hours is not that bad, in the way of saying, don't crap on my parade here, just be happy for me. And, I've finally gotten to a place where I'm pretty happy for them, but it took awhile.

About a year ago, my brother, who was living in Orlando at the time, announced he wanted to move to NC. I was newly pregnant, and devastated. My bro and I have always been close and I had been so excited for him and "Phetus" (as our son was called while he was still in the ute.) to get to know each other. Not to mention, that I was going to miss him terribly. He moved about a week or two after our son was born and loves it there. I'm pretty happy for him, too.

I miss my family. I really thought that things were going to be different and that they would be around more, not less, with the birth of our son. They have been understanding of my dissappointment, but have reiterated many times that "this is just what they have to do". The moves were good for everyone financially, and emotionally for my parents, who really suffered with Hurricane Wilma, and as my mom puts it, "cannot handle another one like that". I believe her and I know that there will be more big hurricanes to come, so considering that, she's doing the right thing.

It just sucks because our son is now six months old and my family has seen him twice. Once when he was born (for about a week) and then for a few days at Christmas when he was three months old. At this rate, he'll see them maybe four times a year, which means he's not even going to know them as he grows up. My inlaws see him probably four times a week. I wish my parents knew our son like they do. They know how he likes to have his bottle, what makes him laugh, etc, etc.

I don't want my parents to be far away, especially because they are getting older, and with time, less and less likely to travel to see us anyway. Plus, I love them and want to see them.

But... they're excited and happy. I'm confused and disappointed. I miss them, but I want them "to do what they have to do." What a bummer.


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