Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where does one buy a decent flex capacitor?

I've made some new friends. They all fit under the category of Orlando Fashion Square Mall Employees. I've officially become a regular at the mall with my son. Probably about two or three times a week, we walk over to the mall and walk around for a couple of hours. It's great for a number of reasons:

Indoors, so you can walk around in any kind of weather.
Lots of stuff to eat (Chick Fil A)
Lots of stuff to buy (I never buy anything)
Lots and lots of stuff for little babies in strollers to look at.

The mall is like this baby haven. There's big bathrooms with changing tables, little old ladies dying to talk to your baby, benches to sit on and play with your baby...

I've been there so often that I've literally walked (with my huge stroller~ to the chagrin of salespeople) through every store. OK, that's a lie. I've never gone into that weird comic book store. But I've been everywhere else. I recognize employees now, and I'm realizing that they recognize me and Child. (How could you forget a face like his?!) We are all starting to do the little smile/ head nod of recognition when we see each other. I could tell you off the top of my head where every single store in that mall is located.

I know that the bathroom at Dillards is a much better place to change a baby's diaper than the bathroom at JC Penney's. I know that I can't go into Macy's while the baby's sleeping because their music is too loud and wakes him up. I know that I can't afford baby shoes from Pip Squeaks. I know that the Japanimation/ Hello Kitty Store (weird!?) sometimes never even opens. I know that no one shops at Bagz and Thingz. Probably because they misspelled Bags and things. Someone should tell them... but no one ever will because no one ever goes in that store. And finally, there is a tshirt airbrush store... I think to go in there you have to find a time machine (preferably a delorean) and program it to 1985. Hopefully you'll have enough road to get that baby up to 88 miles per hour. Unless where your going you don't need roads.

OK!! I guess I watched Back to the Future a few too many times. I can't help it. I love that movie. This is getting too weird. Although, it was nice to get a little weird for a few minutes.

There's a man standing by the pool with an orange vest on. Is he a groundskeeper or an inmate? What do you think? I'll take a poll.


At 8:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the guy by the pool was Peanut Butter's son, of course, an ex-prison inmate who goes by the nickname of Wonder Bread who still wears his orange vest despite being released 10 years ago. He cleans the pool because he likes to not because he gets paid. I'm Ron Burgundy?


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