Friday, April 07, 2006

Reflections of the way life used to be...

Well, I am officially almost 29. I've been reflecting on my twenties here and there over the past couple of days. I know I still have another year before 30, but I couldn't help but reminisce somewhat.

During my twenties, I:

~found my true love and married him, despite tremendous obstacles that stood in our way.
~had our baby... owww.
~owned two cars
~lived in seven different apartments, one condo, and one house.
~traveled a little bit (but not enough... but there's still one year of my twenties left).
~made it halfway through the first year with our baby... complete with colic, reflux, arachnoid cysts, etc...
~thought my new husband was going to die of a mysterious diabetes- like disease... which turned out to be kidney stones (we think) while I was six months pregnant
~got a divorce from first husband
~had one apartment get struck by lightening and catch on fire while I was in it.
~got a bachelor's and master's degree
~became a licensed mental health counselor
~had both grandmas and my one grandpa die
~snorkled with and held a stingray
~climbed a waterfall
~went skinnydipping a few times
~cut my hair super short twice
~had a belly button ring
~worked in a hallmark store
~worked at frederick's of hollywood
~cost my first husband a job by drinking too much at an office party (oops...)
~broke an air purifier (that one's for you, Amy)

Maybe I'll think of more...


At 11:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ran a toll booth and broke off the gate thingy. Also, you were the best Maid of Honor in the Universe.

At 11:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, you saw SJP and Matthew B. in NY

At 9:08 AM , Blogger suebaby said...

As I recall, there was an OATH of SILENCE surrounding the toll booth gate incident... so embarrassing... The other two are both true and awesome!!!! And SJP and MB were so close to us that Keith could smell their baby!!!!!!


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