Saturday, August 09, 2008

Some advice

A few pieces of advice for the little twenty year old girl who rear ended me yesterday:

1. When you rear end someone, no matter how hard or softly you hit them, don't let your first words be "Did I hit you?" upon getting out of the car.

2. No matter how slight the damage, don't try to talk me out of calling the police. I almost listened but am now glad I didn't.

3. You should, at some point, say, "I'm sorry."

4. By twenty, you should know what I mean when I say, "Do you have your insurance card?"

5. You really should be embarrassed by your rude mother, who upon driving over to check on you after the accident, insinuated that the damage to my car "might have already been there" and tried to blame the whole thing on me by saying to the police officer that her daughter told her that I had started to go, so she went, too.


At 4:31 PM , Blogger sandie said...

Argh!! Hope it wasn't too much damage.

At 3:20 PM , Blogger crazystegmamaof4 said...

Darn those "young" women drivers! But, oh do I remember being one! Still remember my first fender bender where my ol' silver speeder actually went under the truck in front of me at that corner Hess station. Good thing the guy saw that his truck was fine and it was only the speeder that was crunched. I'll never forget that day during my 16th year of a newly driver's life :( So, I can sympathize with the poor girl (kinda). But, then again why deny the cold hard truth that she hit you?! Umm...that never helps during an accident. Hope you were ok and no one was hurt. I know even the slightest bump to the rear (of the car) :)...can lead to neck/back pain. Hang in there and watch out for those crazy FL drivers! :)


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