Saturday, February 16, 2008

Long time, no blog

Well... Hello. It's been about four months since I blogged. I kind of dropped off the face of the earth there for awhile due to... lots of stuff.

Health Issues! The never ending battle of health issues. Jack pretty much always has an ear infection (or two), Keith has had some stuff going on, and I have some stuff going on. I don't feel like getting into all that at the moment, but trust me when I say we've been... busy. And tired. And overwhelmed. And this. And that.

New job! The new (or not so new anymore) job is actually going great, but balancing it with everything else has been tricky. And tiring.

Grieving. Dealing with the deaths of two incredibly important women in our lives has also proved to be exhausting and sad. Especially when holidays and birthdays come around. It is just Too Much.

Through it all, we still had a great Halloween and a fun Christmas. We also had a good time celebrating Valentine's Day. Jack is doing great and is extremely talkative. He loves the Beastie Boys (still) and is currently obsessed with the Statue of Liberty and New York City. He's just a big city kind of kid.

Anyway, just wanted to check in... I am hoping to get back into blogging periodically again and just wanted to let everyone know that we are fine, despite all the crap.


At 5:50 PM , Blogger crazystegmamaof4 said...

Well, welcome back to blogland, Suester! :) Even in my nauseous stupor I always check your blog in hopes of a post every week :) Glad to have you back!! Been thinking of you guys a lot with all you've had going on...hope all the fam. is hanging in there and feeling better. If you ever need anything ever let me know...really. And can I just say again that you guys need a rest from the crappiness of guys have had more than your share of bad news and issues over the last year and if anyone deserves to have the rest of their lives go perfectly, it's you three. Love ya' and hang in there. Love, Kelsters :)


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