Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The longest day of my life


As of last Saturday, at 10:01 am, Jack officially became a two year old. Happy Birthday, Jackie!! I think he had a great birthday. We took him to Cocoa Beach at stayed a funky resort where we got to play on the beach and go swimming all weekend. The best part was that we threw him a Fire Truck Birthday party in our room and had all sorts of family come. Jack got crazy amounts of toys and immensely enjoyed his fire truck birthday cake. He also enjoyed everyone singing "Happy Birthday", he actually applauded when it was over and told everyone that "That was great."

The highlight for me was the appearance of Jane and Rich andLittlejeans and family at the party. It was so so so good to see Jane and Rich again and making the drive up from Miami was not an EASY task for them but they did it anyway. I will always be grateful to them for being there last weekend.

And Littlejeans is my cousin and she's married to a great guy with a little two year old of their own. We hadn't met their son until the party, and let me just say that he is AWESOME! So cute, so funny, so smart, etc, etc, etc. All the great things she says about him in her blog are all true. We were so lucky and happy that they made the trip. I only wish we'd had more time to hang out... I always mistakenly underestimate the time it's going to take to: decorate, open presents, clean up, etc, and inevitably I end up frustrated, exhausted and out of time to actually spend time with people. Anyway, so I'm hoping that the two little fams can get together again soon. It was too cool watching the two little guys playing with the new toys together.

Since I'd already hinted at the tougher parts of the weekend, let me just say that Silly us, we thought it would be EASIER to have a party out of town, thinking, I guess, that we're getting out of the house, there's lots for everyone to do (beach, pool), etc, etc. However, we failed to factor in that we were still going out of town (massive amounts of planning and packing) and throwing a birthday party (massive amounts of planning and packing) at the same time! Duh. Oh, well, like I said, I think Jack had a great time and a lot of really special people came to celebrate with him and that's all that really matters.

Moving on... guess where the big two year old is right now? His first day of school (day care)! Ummm... this has been hard. For me and Keith. Jack seemed fine when I left him there. I am picking him up at 2:00 and I am literally counting the minutes until I can go get him. Torture. This has been the longest morning of my life.

However, I have pretty much cleaned the entire house already. That's nice.


At 12:29 PM , Blogger crazystegmamaof4 said...

Wow, you're a mama of a 2-yr-old now...that is crazy stuff! :) Glad the big ol' firetruck party went fun! D-man loves firetrucks...he has a big, huge Mega bloks one and he rides it all around (as do the girls :))...he would have been in heaven at Jack's shindig! Glad Jack had a fellow 2 yr old there to play with...a nice change from being surrounded by adults constantly :) (which is how Hailey always was too before Shelba came along...and now she's a social butterfly :)). Anywho....just wanted to give ya' an ol' shout-out and say I was thinking of you guys and the b-day boy on Sat. How fun to make his bash a whole weekend event on the beach. Sounds like he loved every minute. And from the wise ol' mama of three who has thrown mucho fiestas....yes, the one bad thing about parties (and esp. party-vacations) is that you never truly have time to sit and visit with people cuz you're running around like a crazy person making the party perfect and the birthday child happy. I always feel guilty/sad about that stuff too. But, that's kinda the way it becomes when you have kids all family events we're so busy chasing our kids around that we never sit and talk to people. But, someday Jack will be off on his own and you'll miss these days and you'll have plenty of time to sit...or at least that's what I tell myself when I'm frustrated post-party. But, glad it all went well...even though it was hectic and crazy. Happy B-day to the big 2 year old! And "whoa" on the first day of daycare/school...I think I would have sat and wallowed in my tears rather than cleaning...good for you for being so motivated...hope the big boy's day went well and he was a good cup-drinker :) Love ya! Crazy T-Nasty Steg Mama :)

At 12:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kel... your comment helped me feel better about the whole party thing. Keith and I talked about it after, and we were both just like, "That was roughhhhhh!" Glad to know we're not the only ones who struggle with the party thing...

And don't applaud me and my cleaning too much... there were many tears shed this morning over Jack's first day of school. All of those tears were shed by me and not him, of course. I'm truly excited for him, but it's hard at the same time. You know what I mean!


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