Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Help Jack give up the bottle

I finally added some links... these are blogs that I check daily... my husband (who is a LITTLE overdue to update his), my oldest friend (meaning I've been friends with her for twenty-three years... not that she's 90 years old or something), and my very funny cousin who is also the mom of a little boy.

Well, today was better, until a major meltdown due to Jack asking for some milk and me telling him he could only have milk from a cup. Well. You'd think I'd ruined his life.

We've been trying (sometimes harder than other times) for over a year to get him off the bottle... and nothing has worked. He still drinks a bottle in the morning and one at night. During the day, he might sip juice from a juice box or water from a straw, but that is it. He won't drink from a juice box or a straw, we have to either squeeze the juice box while he has the straw in his mouth or we deposit water or juice from a straw into his open mouth.

This obviously has gotten very frustrating and very old. We've tried cutting him off completely and he is so damn strong willed that he'd sooner dehydrate himself than drink from a cup. We've tried rewards... he just doesn't care. We've tried "bottles are for babies, cups are for big boys"... doesn't care.

Any thoughts/ ideas?


At 7:24 AM , Blogger crazystegmamaof4 said...

Well, from a mom who's little boy still eats from jars of baby food I've got nothing for ya', but sympathy. I really wouldn't worry about it. Hailey used a bottle for awhile...she never got into sippy cups til she was 2...and the peds doc made me worry about her teeth and kept me all paranoid...so far so good (and she is a good ol' cup-drinker now!) I'd say just bear with him...and not push it...like you said...he's strong-willed like most toddlers and he'd probably rather dehydrate himself than drink from a cup right now. We did try one of those semi-cup bottles by advent...I think it helped...it has a funny "nipple-shaped" thing to drink out of...but it's not really a bottle...it's a cup with little handles he can hold...maybe that would work? Will he drink out of straws?? Some kids think those are fun...but really...don't sweat it...it's not like he's 4 and still being bottle-fed...most kids like "their normal routine" in the mornings and at night...and messing with that too much might mean "little sleep for Sue and Keith"...all of us can agree...that would be NO GOOD! :)
Love ya, and good luck! Luv, Gritz :) P.S. I still haven't figured out how to post other people's blogs as links on my blog...I might need to ask you how to do that...I'm honored to be on yours :)

At 7:27 AM , Blogger crazystegmamaof4 said...

oh...must have missed that "straw part" you said in your post...I guess that won't work...I'd try the "semi cup/bottle"...cuz I really do remember going through this with Hailey...it might help...but then again, it might not...just a thought...and good luck with "strong-willed Jack" :)

At 9:14 PM , Blogger sandie said...

Back atcha :)

Hm... regarding the bottle...

Maybe try making it so he can only have his bottle while in his high chair for breakfast/lunch/dinner. If he wants a "snack" drink, it has to be the cup. Even if he tries to have a battle of wills by refusing the cup, you don't need to really worry about him getting dehydrated since he'll be able to drink as much as he wants at meals.

Maybe you can break him down that way!

Orrrrr maybe only have the bottle for water, and if he wants milk or juice (or CHOCOLATE MILK MMMM) it has to be out of a cup.

Whatever you end up trying don't sweat it too much. He'll do it, eventually. You don't see any 10 year olds walking around with bottles! At least I hope not!


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