Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Check in

I have a few minutes while Keith bathes Jack and I thought I'd check in and say that we are having a great week. The "Bottle Fairy" came on Saturday night and took all of Jack's bottles to give to little babies and he's doing... well, he's adjusting. He does not like or want to drink from a cup, but he's dealing with it. Despite that major change for him, he's been in great spirits and very fun lately.

The job search plot thickens. I've been on one interview for a job that seems easy enough and pays fairly well for the mental health field (which means we might be able to get a newer car- oh and summers off) and I have another interview for a different job next week. So... I'm excited.
I'm hoping at least one of them pans out.

Speaking of jobs, a big congratulations goes out to one of my favorite people and my "parallel lifer", Amy, who is now officially a high school English teacher... she will excell wonderfully at this. I'm really happy for her. We have been saying for ten years now that we live parallel lives because things (and by things, I really mean, major life changes) always seem to happen to us at the same time, or in the same order... very strange. Keith pointed out that if SHE got a new job, and we live parallel lives, then it must mean my turn is coming soon... so, we'll see...

Anyway, like in the last email, emotionally, things are still hard sometimes, but I feel like I'm in the middle of a good streak, and I intend to ride it out as long as it lasts. Hope everyone else is having a good week.


At 1:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Susie. :)
That is what I like about Keith--what a great, optimistic observation. I (finally) found a job, ergo yours is right around the corner. By the way, watch out for that big puddle when you step off the sidewalk tomorrow. It got me today--what a doozie. Bing!

At 9:22 AM , Blogger crazystegmamaof4 said...

Oh...the bottle fun for Jack to have his bottles magically disappear...hmmm...we might need to have a "baby food fairy" come and take Dylan's jars of food away and replace them with only chunky stuff :) Hee, Hee. And very excited for and your job prospects. I think it's gonna happen soon...I just feel it. And, of course, if you're on the same track as good ol' Amy...then I'm sure a new job is on the horizon! Thinking of ya' always. Love ya, Kelsters :)

At 8:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, man, do I love a good random Groundhog Day quote... ironically, the person I saw that movie with is Crazy Steg Mama! And we hated it. But, I grew to love it and would now watch it any day, any time.


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