Friday, September 21, 2007


Jack is an official day care goer! The first day went great, as far as I could tell. No crying at the big drop off (well, I cried, Jack didn't) We got a great report from the teacher and by all accounts, it sounds like he hung in there really well. He hardly napped, which was too bad, but the teacher gave him a little extra attention while the other kids slept, and she said he seemed to like that.

Yesterday, we kept him home because we've all come down with a pretty minor head cold and he was really coughy and phlegmy. We also wanted to make sure he got a decent nap and didn't wear himself out, so with the help of Grammy and Aunt Sunny, he was well taken care of.

Today Jack (and myself, although Keith said he feels worse) was better, so it was back off to school. Just like the first day, he walked right in with his little lunch box and went to play with the toys. I hugged and kissed him goodbye and he seemed just fine. I am planning to pick him up in about thirty minutes. Hopefully it was a good day like Wednesday. On Wednesday, when I walked in, he was sitting at a table, playing with a car (of course) and just kind of looked up, smiled, and said, "Oh, hi Mommy." Very calm, very smiley. That felt good. So, I am hoping today's pickup is like that one.

Keith and I were both pretty emotional, but I can say that I did better today. Also, poor Keith has not been able to be at school during the drop off/ pick up because of having to go to work so early, which totally sucks and I know has been hard for him. However, when I start my new job next week, Keith will probably become the main drop-offer because I'll probably have to leave even earlier for work than he does.

Anyway, so we are off to a good start and are hopeful that it will continue this way. My job feels like it's starting to wind down a bit and I'm getting excited about the new one. We are hoping our colds clear up this weekend so we can start fresh next week.

I'll keep you posted on Jack's school adventures....


At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Jack thinks school is cool!!


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