Friday, April 28, 2006

An exciting moment in my tv watching life

So there we were, last night, watching tv. We watch A LOT of tv. The baby had gone to bed for the night and we got ready for dr. Phil and then I don't know what crap (the end of that Earl show~ what the hell is that, anyway?) and finishing it up with the Office. Somewhere in the middle of it all, it happened. Some kind of credit card commercial with Wes Anderson in it! Ahhh... redemption from horribly annoying "we're businesspeople" IBM commercials. Have I ever told you how much I hate IBM commercials? Anyway, so there's Wes, talking about making movies and using his American Express card. I love him. I LOVE HIM!

Here are some of the awesome movies the Wes Anderson has made:
~The Royal Tennenbaums
~That under the sea movie with Bill Murray. I forget what it's called. That one wasn't my favorite.

My favorite, of course, is Rushmore. Starring the weird Jason Schwartzman and the comedic god, Bill Murray. Favorite part... well, I guess it's when Max gives Herman the Punctuality pin. But, then any part with Mr. Littlejeans is truly wonderful. "Best play ever".

These movies are not for everyone. They are a little weird to some. To me, they are clever and funny. It was wonderful to see Wes Anderson hocking American Express cards. Makes me want to sign up for one.

A question I ponder from time to time... (and I really do think this) "How can I align myself with Bill Murray so we can meet?" Hey, there's a lot of time to think when you're giving a baby a bottle four times a day.

Have a bitchin weekend... and keep out on the lookout for Wes!


At 5:58 PM , Blogger Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Thanks for the dry socket/pregnancy info. I have often thought about how giving birth could possibly be worth than that pain. Knowing that isn't makes me think I can do anything!!!! I appreciate the encouragement. :)

At 6:07 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

I truly do believe if anyone can survive the dry sockets "irrigation and packing" treatment, they can really withstand anything.


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