Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What should we do today?

It's really hot outside. Usually on a Tuesday, the Baby and I take a little walk to the mall in the early afternoon. However, I repeat, it's really hot outside. Another option is to put him in the car and drive to Target, Babies R Us, or other such places. But that requires me to put him in the car and I'm just not that motivated today. He doesn't seem to mind. Usually he's cranking up if he hasn't been somewhere by this point of the day, but we've been playing all day and he seems cool with it.

Later this afternoon, when my baby's daddy gets home, we'll be going over to the pool for our late afternoon swim... which has become the summer replacement of dock walks (too hot for those, too). I guess that's about it... it's been a nice day for mother and son here.

We have so much fruit in the house. My husband bought all this fruit when he went to the store, which is cool, because I like fruit. But what happens is I start feeling all this pressure to eat all the fruit before it goes bad. So, there's like two oranges, 2 apples, watermelon, some fruit salad and a banana. How does 1 person eat all that. I already ate the banana... it looked like it was going to be the first to go. I hate wasting food but no one can eat that much fruit.


At 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eat the fruit!!! No, I'll turn the apples into fried cinnammon apples, feed the banannas to Jack, I'll eat the melon. Taken care of! Oh, the oranges...we'll throw those at the landlord's Lexus! Fin.

At 7:58 AM , Blogger Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Fruit is a continual problem in our house. We have started to go shopping more often to keep up with the fruit. But bananas!!! They still seem to go bad in like a 2 hour period. They look okay, then bam, they are bad! I am with you on those.

At 5:15 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

I know... and I'm sorry, but once they're all brown and spotty, I'm having nothing to do with those. Blech...


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