Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You fed a baby chili?

"You fed a baby chili?" is from one of my favorite movies, Mr. Mom. And today, I did just that. And he really liked it!

Anyway, today has been... better. Can you believe it? We went to Toddler Tunes this morning, and only made it through about half of the class. It was packed and Jack was overwhelmed by all the kids. I knew he was ready when he went to the door and said Bye bye to everyone. So we went to a playground where he was the only one there and he got to regroup.

Somewhere after that, I fed him chili.

Our next outing is his 18 month old check up... with shots. Keith and I have been warning Jack that he's going to the dr. to get shots. We'll see if that makes any difference regarding the wrath Jack will soon be dishing out to everyone.

Tomorrow I return to work where I feel ostracized and disliked due to mistakes. I hate it when people are mad at me. I'm not looking forward to that.

Some good things: Jack slept through the night and only cried for about five minutes before his nap today. I feel like we're getting a handle on the sleeping issues. Later!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Screaming child

I ask you, is 7:45am too early for a tantrum? Apparently not. As of this moment, I am ignoring Jack's screaming over... I have no idea what.

It's been a long ten days of sickness, vomitting, diarrhea, huge temper tantrums, dehydratedness and what not. Last night we all slept through the night, so that was good. Yesterday was also our anniversary, but the day was overshadowed by stress from Jack and from the fact that I found out I'd been making some huge mistakes at my job (since I started over a year ago) and consequently got in big trouble. I've NEVER been in trouble at work before, so this was a little tough for my ego to take.

So... things have been kind of hard lately. Sorry for the depressing post... I was trying to put off updating until things were going really well, but then I just decided to check in and say a quick hello. Hope everyone is doing well!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Doo doo city

Yesterday, we went to the Winter Park Art Festival in the morning. Then we went to the Florida Mall with the intention of letting Jack play at the indoor playground. Well, we never got in the the mall because while still in the car seat, Jack threw up everything he'd eaten that day. All over himself, the car seat, everywhere. And that's when the diarrhea started, too.

The vomitting, luckily, stopped, but the diarrhea hasn't. St. Patty's day here was all about changing diapers and treating very bad diaper rash. We are worried about Jack getting dehydrated because he refuses to drink pedialyte. He drinks milk though, which makes the diarrhea worse, but at least he's drinking.

It's been a crappy weekend. Poor jack.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The low point of the day

I am going insane. It's 1:20. Jack has not yet napped. I am frustrated.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


There always seems to be something I am addicted to, or obssessed with, to varying degrees. Often times, it's food, sometimes tv shows, etc. Once, I was obsessed with Olive Garden minestrone soup. That went on for years. Basically I would crave it and was known to drive twenty minutes, pick it up from O.G. and bring it home to eat it. Weird.

So, the latest addiction was watching baby themed shows on TLC. That one is understandable... but still weird. I just couldn't get enough. Now, it shifted to this terrible reality show on MTV called Engaged and Underaged. It sounds like a porno, but it's actually a show that follows around a very young couple in the weeks leading up to their wedding. The couple is usually under 20, so as you can imagine, there's lots of drama.

Well, I've taken to tivoing the show when it comes on too late to watch it, because I do not want to miss an episode. Really. Embarrassing.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Quick updates

There's not much time to post right now, just wanted to say that we had a blast at the Universal Studios thing and the Doobs were... rockin? I don't know if I really thought they were rockin, although we did laugh a lot while we sang along to "Jesus"...

Still getting used to the time change... ugh.

It's getting hot here... ugh.

That's all I got for now.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Three Day Weekend and a DATE!

Schools were closed in Orange County today. So our kind and generous supervisor gave everyone the day off. Keith and I were awarded a three day weekend!

Today was beautiful and we spent it in Winter Park. We went in search of the Gap, because we both had clothes we needed to return that we'd bought online. So we drove out there (it took an hour), exchanged the clothes, played in the park with Jack for awhile, and drove back (another hour). The traffic was horrendous, but we both seemed determined to stay in good moods.

We laughed a lot today, even when Jack got hot, cranky, and tired and even when we were sitting in gridlock on I 4. I really love my husband.

Tomorrow night, we are going on a date to Universal Studios. The Doobie Brothers are playing at their Mardi Gras thing they do... so we plan to sing along to "Jesus is just alright with me..." Did anyone besides me, Amy, and Joe watch that Freaks and Geeks show that was on a few years ago? Remember the one where Millie sang that song? Freakin' awesome.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Some things to look forward to...

Jack is just now taking a nap. It's 1:00. Usually he takes a nap at 10:30. Sheesh.

Anyway, not a whole lot going on here. We are gearing up for Spring, which is good. Spring brings:

Spring Break for Orange County (Keith gets an easy work week)
Spring Break for Osceola County (our business is closed for a week)
Our second wedding anniversary (March 26)
My Birthday

So, we've got some fun stuff to look forward to. I'm off to go rest for a few minutes. That boy wore me out this morning!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

You built a time machine... out of a Delorean?

I've always loved Back to the Future. I've always loved the ride at Universal Studios. I've always loved Marty, Biff, Lorraine, and the whole gang. So...

Today we went to Universal Studios where we had a great time. This really is a great place to get outside and let your kid run around. It was crowded today and the characters were out in full force. We'd already seen Scooby, Woody Woodpecker, Shrek, Zorro, etc, etc.

So, anyway, we were finishing up lunch when all of the sudden, Dr. Emmit Brown walked by in full on 88 miles an hour costume on. I turned and saw him and he was just about to duck behind a building, probably to smoke a cig or something, and I found myself saying out loud, "Ohhh, coooooool." He heard me, turned, and saw me and came over to our little table. He began talking to Jack as Doc Brown and said some kooky things. Jack and Keith just stared at him, mildly amused. I stared at him as if he was a celebrity.

I can't believe I said, "Oh, cool."

I always get star struck, to the point of embarrassment. It's true. The night I met Sunny, who is my sister in law, I couldn't even talk to her. This is because for years, Sunny has sung all around Orlando, making and releasing her own cd's and became a bit of a local celebrity. She has an amazing voice and is incredibly talented. The night I met her was during one of her breaks between sets at Copper Rocket pub and she came over and said hi to me and I just stared at her.


Anyway, so it's true, I always get star struck. But this Doc Brown one was ridiculous!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Jack, King of WalMart

Jack threw a temper tantrum in his crib this morning at 6:00am. I guess i don't even need to say that we're all a little tired and grumpy after that. However, since we got such a horribly early start to the day, I decided to make the most of it and took Jack to WalMart at 7:15am. Not only was Jack on his best behavior, waving bye bye to everyone we passed, but there was almost no one in there. it was like WalMart was our own indoor playground.

I officially coronated Jack as King of WalMart and as we left we confidently chanted, "We did it, we did it!"... meaning we got in and out of there without a major meltdown. Yes!