Jack, King of WalMart
Jack threw a temper tantrum in his crib this morning at 6:00am. I guess i don't even need to say that we're all a little tired and grumpy after that. However, since we got such a horribly early start to the day, I decided to make the most of it and took Jack to WalMart at 7:15am. Not only was Jack on his best behavior, waving bye bye to everyone we passed, but there was almost no one in there. it was like WalMart was our own indoor playground.I officially coronated Jack as King of WalMart and as we left we confidently chanted, "We did it, we did it!"... meaning we got in and out of there without a major meltdown. Yes!
Hats off to Jack...making it through the aisles of Walmart in one piece is a big acheivement for the day! And I'm with you on early mornings...they put a damper on the day for sure...we have had too many of those this week too!
Maybe one day Jack will be the Sultan of Target. It will be kind of like a promotion.
I don't want to put too much pressure on him, but it would just mean so much to me for him to be Sultan of Target. But... you got to start at the bottom and work your way up, you know?
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