Friday, December 30, 2005

Road Trip

As if daring to go to Target with a three month old isn't challenging enough, my husband and I decided to meet family at the beach this afternoon... that's not such a big deal, but the beach is about two hours away, and The Baby HATES the car... "Don't babies like to sleep in the car, Sue?" you may be wondering (I'm saying this because people have said this to me, as if I'm mistaken about the fact that my child does not enjoy car rides). Yes, most babies do like the car. Also, most babies don't teethe at three months and most babies sleep through the night before they reach three months. My little bundle of joy has proved to be an anomoly on many fronts. And so, here I sit, procrastinating the extreme amounts of clothes and baby gear needed for an overnight trip that need to be packed and fantasize that this will not only be fun but restful, too. Welcome to Crazyville, Population 1.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I just started my part time job yesterday... I now am officially staying home with The Baby and only working two days a week. I am also officially bored. He's been napping for over an hour (which means he will be waking any second) and I've run out of things to do around the house. I just sort of stumbled on creating my own blog... I check in and read my cousin's all the time. We'll see how this goes. Husband due home any minute... the day will become more engaging, as I will have an adult to talk to.