Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bad turned to good

Oh, no I didn't just do that... I didn't just totally drop the ball on blogging. (Yes, I did.) Well, it's been a bad week. The grandma I haven't talked to in about twenty years died... kind of sad, I guess.... but even worse, my two fave guys were both sick with a cold. this sucked because not only was the little monster even grumpier than usual, but it was pretty much up to me to take care of him. Now I know there are women out there who do all the baby type duties, but I am not one of them. My husband and I are very equal partners, so we share all the baby duties. Until he got sick. And let me just say, I continue to appreciate everything he does because that was a nice little reality check of what it would be like to either be a) a single parent or b) a parent with an uninvolved husband. Both of which to me, would truly be awful.

Anyway, everyone seems to be feeling better and today we had a lovely day spend walking downtown looking at trees and birds and stuff... the little guy in his rockin Led Zep onesie. We could not be any cuter.

Due to the Bad Cold Incident of '06, the magical world of disney tour was postponed. So sad. But, we will be going this weekend instead. God. Never have I looked more forward to drinking my way around the world in Epcot. Any other twenty something who has lived in Orlando knows about that.

Life continues to go on. The little guy is getting bigger and bigger. Oh, and I'm still enjoying the hell out of those Old Navy underpants.

Was that grandma thing insensitive? Oh, well, she wasnt' nice, so I don't really care.

More later...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

the power of new undies

My wonderful husband and I decided to shop this past weekend. Actually, we decided to "wear this baby out". We took him out in the stroller, hit the nearest shopping center, and literally shopped all day. I think we went in every store in the place, even the Christian bookstore (just kidding). So, because of this, the two people that really shouldn't be spending any money, bought some new stuff. Actually, I bought new stuff, and my husband bought the burritos we ate for lunch. My purchases are as follows:

~New bottle brush (we were both excited about this one, because the old brush had gotten gross... think "old toothbrush"

~Birthday cards for my mom... I should probably just send them to North Carolina... but, no, I'm not bitter

~New t shirts for me (old ones have gotten mysterious baby stains on them)

~and NEW UNDIES!! This was exciting for a few reasons. Here's why... I've never thought of myself as a sexpot (what a funny word) or anything, but I am one of those women who likes to wear cute underwear. Interpret "cute" however you want to... I'm not going into detail. Anyway... after nine months of being pregnant and about two months of recovering, my underwear was in sorry shape. Not only did it mainly consist of granny panties, but they were all worn out, the elastic was stretched out (obviously), faded, and just overall gross looking. Now, like I said, I'm not a sexpot, but my husband and I are still technically newlyweds, and I just felt like crap walking around in these nasty old undies. I mean, I want to look good for him but also for myself. So, I bought a little three pack of underwear from old navy, and to be honest, I'm so excited about them, that I haven't even worn them yet. They're not sexy really, they're not racy, they're not conservative, they're just clean and new... Ahhh... I feel like my body's been through hell and back, and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of these undies.

I don't even know when I'm going to wear them... I think I like the anticipation of wearing them even more than actually wearing them.

In other news... the little guy is fine... we had some really rough teething days and were worried because he still wasn't eating very well... but he seems to be doing better now. Marriage is wonderful... Disney weekend is next weekend. We are planning to go to a movie... haven't been to one since The Baby... What should we see?

Friday, January 13, 2006

two weeks until disney fun...

For Christmas, my terrific husband got us a weekend at Disney World... SANS BABY!! I am so excited to sleep in, stay at a hotel, go to the parks with my favorite person (we've never gone to Disney together)... but already the reality of being away from the Baby for two whole nights is setting in. I'm already worried. He'll be with Grammy Val, who has been there since day 1 and is so good with him, but it doesn't matter. I'm still worried. I guess I'll always be worried. He's just so little still... he's wearing his Led Zeppelin onesie from Hot topic... my favorite outfit.

Very hungry. Should I have a bagel or some leftover italian casserole thing that my husband made with macaroni and cheese pasta? I'm thinking bagel.

So glad it's Friday. Happy MLK Jr. day to all... if you don't have it off, you should. Write your congressman/ woman or something.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

feeling more sane...

Well, The Baby has been put to bed by my wonderful husband. He has also decided to finally eat (The Baby, not the husband, although I'm sure he ate today, too). Just wanted to let the four people who read this blog know that all is well and everyone is going to bed with a full tummy. How come you guys never comment? Give me some f'ing feedback!!!!!!!!!

Love you all.


Today has officially become One Of Those Days of parenthood. The Baby has officially decided that he will not be eating ANYTHING today, which of course, causes me to freak out in fear that he has a tumor or leukemia or something. Which results in a tearful call to my husband, which is definitely not something I wanted to do, because he worries way more than I do, so telling him about the Baby's no food strike strikes even more fear in his heart than it does in mine. Can a four month old baby simply not be hungry? Did he somehow catch a cold yesterday during his two hours in the stroller at the mall yesterday? I have begged him to just drink a little bit, but, alas, he is already delightfully rebellious and refused.

Other than being a little more sleepy than usual, everything else is totally normal with the little guy. He's playing, smiling, talking, and does not have a temperature. Even though those things tell me not to worry too much, I will remain anxious until that boy downs at least four ounces of formula.

Oh, how I miss the days when my biggest problem was "Should I drink Dr. Pepper or Coke? Oh, I just don't know..."

All this and I still somehow have to find time to go to work for a few hours. Ugh.

Join me in sending The Baby a message with your mind... "Eat..., Eat..."

Still no comedy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The countdown is on to baby freak-out time, so I must type quickly. My best friend recently emailed me and said that she started googling old friends, so I thought, "that sounds interesting" and started doing it. And one hour of my life is officially gone and down the drain. I couldn't really help myself. I started looking up people I hadn't seen in seven, eight, ten years, and I thought, if someone googled me, what would they find. Well, they would find drunk pictures of me on a friend's website from when I turned 26 and not much else. Which is weird when you think about it because anyone who knows my name can find that out about me, yet nothing else. This is something that while I find it odd, I'm also completely comfortable with it. Not everyone needs to know all my Biz- nass.

Family life continues to go well. I'm struggling with feeling a loss of identity that seems to have come with becoming a mom. Did anyone else experience this? It's sort of like, you give so much of yourself and your energy to your baby, there's none left for you. I'm hoping that this is a temporary condition because while I don't think of myself as a selfish person, I do enjoy my time to myself and crave it, actually. Well, the little guy IS four months old now, and is a lot more independent already... so maybe there's hope.

These posts have been too serious. I need to incorporte a little comedy.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Blues

I hope everyone had a good new years... our's was... fine. There's not exactly an overabundance of people waiting to watch your child for you on New Year's Eve, so we resigned ourselves to the inevitable fact that we would be staying in for the night. That led to putting The Baby to bed, sharing some kind of weird berry flavored champagne and watching the ball drop. Did anyone else out there see Dick Clark? Ok, I had no idea that he'd had a stroke, and while I guess it's a great accomplishment that he was able to be on the show, albeit from his bulletproof glass cage, to be honest, it was still kind of a downer. I mean, Dick Clark with his scarf and ear muffs, standing in the middle of Times Square is an icon. I felt bad for him that he'd had the stroke, but also it made me do the whole Life is Short, appreciate what you have, philosophical moment. Which isn't that unusual to do on New Year's Eve anyways, but it is unusual when it's brought on by watching Dick Clark talk about his speech therapy and having to relearn how to walk. My mom always looked at Dick Clark and said, "God, he looks so young"... well, I guess that is no longer the case.

Anyway, in day to day life news... the new job is going well, The Baby is great... smiling and making weird funny noises all the time, marriage is BLISS... I have the greatest husband in the world.