Friday, October 27, 2006

A How-To on coping with a pediatrician visit

Jack apparently woke up at 4:30am this morning and began playing in his crib... he may have dozed on and off, but mostly played and fussed until 6:30. I, as well as Keith, dozed here and there between 4:30 and 6:30.

Waking up at 4:30am does not make for a happy boy getting a flu shot.

We went to our brand new ped. office at 8:45 this morning... close to home, pretty nice people, Jack was a total angel in the waiting room. Then we were called back and it was time to strip down. That's when the screaming began. And the screaming lasted until we left at 10:00am.

During this scream filled hour, I was informed of the following things:

Jack is low on iron. Now I need to take him to a Quest lab so they can draw blood from his arm (yeah, that's going to go well) to "officially" test for low iron. Which he probably will have. I have low iron every time they test my blood and we hardly ever eat any red meat in our house... so there you go. That's our planned activity for next Tuesday.

A one year old getting a flu shot actually gets two flu shots, a month apart. So, we get to repeat this whole process in a month. Great.

Last but definitely not least...

Jack's head is growing fast again. Keith and I have been secretly worried about this for a few weeks now... maybe parental intuition? The new ped. made light of it, basically saying that she doesn't think we need to worry... but as everyone knows, Keith and I do not make light of anything regarding Jack's head size.

Keith is emailing our neurosurgeon as I type this to see if we need to move up his next MRI appt. (which is currently scheduled for Feb 1, 2007). This might be too far away. My guess is we probably will end up moving it up... so that should be fun.

So, anyway, how do you cope with a ped. office visit like this? Cry. I cried through the visit, on the way home, and on the phone telling Keith what happened. And I feel a little tiny bit better. So, feel free to go ahead and cry anytime you're having a hard time at the doctor's office. It worked for me.

Now the plan is to push through and try to have a pleasant weekend.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Today, while making Jack's breakfast, I poured in the perfect contents of oatmeal flakes, milk, and baby food fruit... on the first try! yes!!!

It is chilly today so we have postponed our morning outing to the playground... we are thinking of going a little later on when it's warmer. Jack woke up at six am for the second day in a row... not pleasant when Keith is sick and I'm trying desperately to fight off whatever it is. I almost gave in to the sickness last night and was feeling awful... but after sleeping I seem to be better. Hopefully that's the end of that.

Jack likes to go into his room and close the door. Isn't he a little young to need privacy? What else... still obsessed with carpet fuzzies... and as I type this, he just learned to say the word "No." He climbed over to the outlet where the computer was plugged in and reached for it and I said "No." He stopped and turned around and said "No". Since typing this sentence, he's said "No" about four thousand times.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A rare, delightful treat

Yesterday, my best friend emailed me and asked if the three of us wanted to go to the Maitland Art Festival with her. Well, the weather here has been really hot lately and we just went to the WP Art Festival two weeks ago... and Maitland is VERY far away, so I said... no. Boo. Then i talked to Keith about it and he said, "Oh, you should just go with her by yourselves." Hello? I'd never even thought of that. So I DID think about it and liked the idea... called Stef back, and she liked the idea, so now we are meeting at 1:00 for a lovely art festival time. All this without a stroller. Yes! I haven't seen Stef without husbands and/ or Jack in close to a year, so this is long over due. Special thanks go out to Keith for suggesting the idea and for being the kind of husband/ dad that suggests these things without making it seem like he's the greatest man who ever walked the earth (ironically, though, he IS).

So anyway... that is what the day holds for me. Yes, I'm still tired. Yes, I'm stressed about the upcoming week. Yes, I'm nervous about my dentist appt. tomorrow morning... ugh... But this is going to be fun! Yahooo!

Also, Stef also suggested that next weekend the four of us (sorry jack, your invite got lost in the mail) get together for dinner at the Melting Pot. Yes! Please, someone, babysit for us. Anyone? He's really cute... Please? Somebody?

Friday, October 20, 2006


Wow. I am tired. Last night I had weird dreams about spiders. What does that mean? It's been a hard week. We've had a lot going on... it feels like there's not a single second of downtime from Monday to Thursday. Then we finally get a little rested during the weekend, only to do it all over again.

I saw my exhusband and an old friend yesterday. It was nice... he and I are on good terms and everything. They were both completely shocked when I told them we didn't plan on having any more kids. I don't even know why that's shocking. Are you kidding me? How in the world do people do it? My parents did it, they had two kids... baffling. I am just too tired from working and baby raising to even think of such a thing.

Anyway... just checking in to say hello. It's just about naptime over here... I think I actually might try to lay down for a few minutes, too.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Greatest weekend ever

Greatest weekend ever.

Thursday evening~ The three of us, together at home. Our business was closed for the day because there was no school that day.

Friday~ Keith and I were both off. We took Jack to one of those indoor playground places... cute... and expensive. I think we'll just stick to free and outside for now. Frank Black provided a glorious night out... well, sort of. He was clearly not in a very entertaining mood and only sang for about an hour. I don't think he even smiled once. Maybe still getting over his divorce, who knows? In any case, it was great to be out, drinking beer and listening to music.

Saturday~ We drove out to the Winter Park Art Festival, half expecting a temper tantrum from Jack at some point... but he was great. We never got to look at the art, but it was just nice to get the hell out of St. Cloud for a few hours. We went to the area where they set up the stage and let Jack crawl and make friends with just about everyone around us. We left with one tired and dirty baby... the afternoon was beautiful and fun. We got home to have Valerie (Keith's mom) call and say she wanted to go to Outback and had some gift cards, did we want to join her? We considered the fact that Jack was tired, dirty, and volatile at this point. And then we went anyway. How often does someone offer you free dinner? Much less, Outback? Ummm... I haven't had free dinner in.... I have no idea. So, anyway, it was great. And Jack did pretty good... he loved the salmon.

Sunday~ Pretty good day, I'm not feeling very well though. We just hung out at home.

Overall, it was an awesome weekend!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Bible Belt of Central Florida

Between the what has now become regular visits by the J.W.s and what happened at the playground this morning, we are officially living in the C.F.B.B.

I was at the playground with jack this morning, trying to avoid the old lady and her stories about diarrhea, when a mom my age showed up. Yahoo! I thought... She had an older kid, maybe four and seemed very nice and sweet. Her name is Kelly. We started talking and within two minutes of conversation, she flat out asked where I went to church. Whaaaaat?

First of all, and I'm just wondering here, is that rude? And by that I mean, that she was just assuming that IF I was religious, I would be going to church. I mean, we are in St. Cloud and all, but I could possibly be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim, right? Nevermind, I answered my own question. Yes, it's rude.

So, anyway, she asks me that and I said, "No, we don't go to church". Silly me, thinking this would subtly send the message of "I'm not religious, I don't care to be religious, but I don't want to offend you by saying it that bluntly."

Kelly didn't get what I was trying to say. She then launched into where she goes to church, why she goes to church, how great the nursery there is, how great God is, etc, etc.

Finally when I could get in a few words (Kelly is a talker) I said, "Yeah, I grew up going to church, but I've gotten away from that." Again, stupid me, bad choice of words. Dear, sweet Kelly takes that to mean that I'm just too busy (with what? Sinning, I guess) to go to church. She then tells me how when she first got married, she and her husband didn't go to church, but in the past year they've been going a lot and it's been great.

Basically, she's comparing her life to mine and assuming her reasons for not going to church were exactly why I wasn't going. Um, no. My reasons for not being Christian are well thought out, researched, carefully considered, and meaningfully chosen. I didn't just get into some phase where I was too tired to get up early on Sunday mornings so I started skipping church. It was a very carefully made decision.

My feelings had at first gone to curious to exasperated to finally pissed. I basically stopped talking at this point and as she told me about "God is good, you know, you can always come back to him, God is good." I said, "Yeah, that's what they say."

Maybe it was the tone of voice I used or my face, but Kelly finally got it and started talking about the weather. Ahh... better. But not before telling me that she would love it if I'd like to go to her church sometime.

Do I have some sign on me that says, "Hello. I'd love for you to come over and push your beliefs on me"?!

One funny thing was, her little boy ended up being a total nightmare. He was rude to her and to all the other kids. Maybe she needs to pray for that kid to lose the attitude.

Another thing is, this woman has NO IDEA what my spiritual/ religious history is.... or anyone else's for that matter, especially since SHE NEVER EVEN ASKED. All she asked was if I went to church around here. Not "was I Christian?" Um, no. "Was I religious?" Again, no. "Do I care about her relationship with God?" Hmmm, no.

And guess what, Kelly? That's ok. That's ok for me not to believe the same thing as you. I'm happier than I've ever been BECAUSE of that. And Kelly does not have to worry about saving me or helping me love the Lord... because I don't need that in my life.

Believe me, I understand why she was talking incessantly about it. I know that Christians are told to share the word, bring people to God, etc. And I truly don't ever want to be rude to people, but, tell you what, if I'm in that situation again, I will not be as nice. It just pisses me off. Can't I just take my kid to a public place to play without having my morals, values, and beliefs questioned? Apparently not.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Oh, so now you want to walk.

So, today, Keith and I go to our jobs and leave Jack in the care of Grandpoppy and his favorite babysitter, Angie. It's today, in front of both of THEM, that Jack decides to walk a record SIX steps. Come on!!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Some quick points and a poll

  • Our microwave is broken. Maytag will be here tomorrow morning between 7:00-12:00.
  • Jack is in a better mood today... thanks to my frequent diaper changes. Last night I arrived home from work to find Jack in bad diaper rash hell. But, no worries. Mommies can make anything better.
  • A week from today, Keith and I have a date!!!! Frank Black, here we come!
  • Keith is off next Friday!!!!
  • It's going to be cool(er) this weekend.
  • Jack has not yet bumped his head today.
  • I am secretly hoping Keith will want to go to Chili's for dinner tonight. Main reason... see number one.
  • Oh, and today is payday!!!

Jack's first real Halloween is rapidly approaching. Any costume ideas? We are already considering:

A Jack in the Box

A Jackpot

A little devil

Please post any comments/ ideas! Thanks!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

So Gross!

So, I'm changing Jack's poopy diaper. He's screaming, crying, fighting. I start to snort like a pig and he starts cracking up. I think, "This is good, this is good." Until I realize that in order to snort like a pig, you have to BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE. Not cool. Jack's poopy butt and diaper are mere inches from my face and I have to keep breathing through my nose in order to continue the snorting, in order to continue Jack laughing. Yuck.

J.W. update

Get this, you guys... Three JW's in the 'hood this morning. Jack and I were getting in the car to run to the hallmark store. They were arriving as we got in the car. Not fifteen minutes later, we were back at home and the JW's... were gone.

They're lazy!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The boy walks!!! Kind of...

I guess this is how it goes? With babies and learning how to walk, I mean. Jack took one step, unassisted on Sunday afternoon. It was completely unexpected, and as far as I know, has not yet happened again. Which also leads me to think that it is likely that this was not his actual first step and that we have missed it, whenever it was.

Other Jack news... He continues to be afraid of the little door stoppers that screw into the baseboards. I thought it had passed but he just crawled over to one and poked it with his finger, only to start whining and looking at me like, "Have you seen this freakish monstrousity over here?"

Does anyone else know someone in the seventies that is completely over the line regarding sharing too much information with you? Maybe it's just that you get to a certain age and you just don't care anymore. I don't know...

There's a playground near our house that Jack and I go to once or twice a week. Whenever we go, there's this older lady who babysits a couple of little kids and they're all playing and hanging out there. We've gotten to know each other in the casual, "Hey, how are you, let's talk to the kids instead of each other." kind of way... or so I thought. This morning I walked up, and asked her how she was doing. Oops. This brought on an answer involving BOWEL PROBLEMS. I'll spare you all the details, but rest assured, I heard them.

She said she didn't feel good... and poor thing, she looked like she didn't feel good. I ended up spending the next forty five minutes helping her corral the three little ones she was watching. I felt bad leaving her there with no help... but someone was getting very tired.

I'm excited about next week. It's a short week for school which means Keith gets a little more down time and we're closing our business on Thursday due to the school closing, so we'll get a night off. We're also planning to go out BY OURSELVES AT NIGHT on next Friday to see a concert (the first time since our anniversary which was seven months ago)... YES!

I put dirty socks on Jack today because they were the only ones left that matched his outfit. Disgusting? Or Fashion Conscious? You decide.