Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The countdown is on to baby freak-out time, so I must type quickly. My best friend recently emailed me and said that she started googling old friends, so I thought, "that sounds interesting" and started doing it. And one hour of my life is officially gone and down the drain. I couldn't really help myself. I started looking up people I hadn't seen in seven, eight, ten years, and I thought, if someone googled me, what would they find. Well, they would find drunk pictures of me on a friend's website from when I turned 26 and not much else. Which is weird when you think about it because anyone who knows my name can find that out about me, yet nothing else. This is something that while I find it odd, I'm also completely comfortable with it. Not everyone needs to know all my Biz- nass.

Family life continues to go well. I'm struggling with feeling a loss of identity that seems to have come with becoming a mom. Did anyone else experience this? It's sort of like, you give so much of yourself and your energy to your baby, there's none left for you. I'm hoping that this is a temporary condition because while I don't think of myself as a selfish person, I do enjoy my time to myself and crave it, actually. Well, the little guy IS four months old now, and is a lot more independent already... so maybe there's hope.

These posts have been too serious. I need to incorporte a little comedy.


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