"Hey what's that weird dripping sound coming from our bedroom?"
What do you get when your upstairs neighbors' washing machine overflows?
Water, pouring into your bedroom, onto your bed, through the ceiling.
How long does it take for maintence to show up and fix it?
About an hour.
How long does the screaming match last between your husband and you versus the owner of the building about when this will be fixed?
About an hour and a half.
How many times are we insulted by the owner before I tell her that she needs to leave our home immediately?
How late did the baby end up staying up as a result of this nightmare?
Two extra hours. So much for that awesome schedule we'd created.
It's been a long week.
Oh, good, they worked it out.
Despite my love high, how's this for being depressing? Our neighbors got back together. I don't know what happened, but yesterday we saw them unloading groceries from their SUV... nothing says "together" like an SUV full of groceries. Hmmm... I guess they're one of those dramatic fighting "I hate you" type of couples.
Thank you, my son.
I'm thanking my son because he was a total nightmare yesterday. Fussy, crying, not napping... an overall pain in the neck. Why would I thank him for this? Because if he wasn't so awful, then I might have died of happiness from the greatest anniversary ever. There is a full recap of gifts on my husband's blog (
www.incrediblynormal.blogspot.com) if you are interested in that sort of thing. Let me assure you, they were romantic and creative and wonderful.
Let me just say that it was so awesome. Grammy and grampy came over to babysit and we got to hit an old bar for a record 2 Beers At One Sitting Each!! Then we had a super yummy and romantic dinner at this cool little Italian restaurant... so good. We were planning to get shakes from steak and shake for dessert, but suddenly my husband had a headache and my stomach hurt so we just headed home. We crashed and (thanks again, little baby) slept all the way until 7:00am this morning.
I am so crazy about my husband. He is so fun and funny and wonderful. What an amazingly great night. I literally walked around work today with a grin on my face. Getting out at night every once in a while can be priceless.
A beautiful Saturday.
It was so beautiful today. We had a great day... we actually spent most of the day at home, cleaning up, organizing and playing with our little guy. He is really getting the hang of sitting all by himself now. We're so proud of him!! It seemed to take longer than I thought it would... maybe because he has to balance that big old head? He's also getting closer and closer to crawling... although I think that one will take awhile too... he really doesn't even seem that interested in it yet.So... apparently my husband ordered something for me for our anniversary that was supposed to be delivered today... it hasn't come yet. Needless to say, he is frustrated and worried. So am I... I want my present! Hopefully it still may make it today... I think Fedex delivers until six... and if not today, I guess we'll hope for Monday.Our neighbors are breaking up. Our next door neighbors are a very cute young couple from Virginia. We've heard them fighting through the wall a few times, and the guy sounded kind of nasty... but then the other day it got really bad. they were screaming and there were lots of F you's and some stuff about cheating, lots of crying... ugh. We're also thinking that the guy might have hit the girl. Anyway, she's gone and this morning I woke up (it was my day to get extra sleep, damnit!) to hearing him yelling on the phone, I guess, to her about how he couldn't believe she'd make out with someone else, yada yada yada... Anyway, I think they're history. Ugh. Sometimes I forget how great it is to not be dealing with that kind of crap. I'm lucky.
A day of goodness.
I used to work in an elementary school as a counselor. Today, I took our son there to visit. It was fun... I guess I'd forgotten what it's like to work with hundreds of kids, walk around outside on a big school campus, talk to teachers all day. I had a great time. Now, I know the grass is always greener. A year ago I would have complained about this job, saying the teachers are annoying and needy, the kids are out of control and the campus is a pain in the neck to trek across when it's ninety degrees outside. Pros and cons, peaks and valleys, etc. However, any way you look at it, it was fun today. It was also fun to have the little guy with me to meet everyone. He was extremely well behaved, as he always is when he's in public, and very smiley with everyone.So, it was a good day. More goodness... no wedding to attend this weekend... although the tux is cleaned and ready to go for any other functions... also, the monumental First Anniversary is on Sunday!! I have finally thought of a few gift ideas, much to my own relief. And last but not least, Two Beautiful Little Teeth have made an appearance in Senor Smooth's upper gums!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Uncomfortable moments today... Three of them, when three different people at the school commented on my son's huge head. Of course, they have no idea why this is a touchy issue, and assume he's just got a big old head... but I flinched each time, nonetheless. Oh well... MRI in two months.Have a great weekend everyone!
I hate my gynecologist.
Now, I'm not going into too much detail here, but I hate my gynecologist. He was referred to me by my supervisor in the early days of my pregnancy. I was panicked and not picky about who I saw. Enter the gyno.
He's about fifty, Republican, hurried, sarcastic, and seems to think the same bedside manner techniques work for everyone. He also seems to act like he knows me so well. A strange notion, really, because, let's get real, any woman, especially anyone who's had a baby knows how well your gyno REALLY knows you. I mean, he's the guy that was there every step of the way through the pregnancy, delivered our son, stitched (sorry, I know that's a little graphic) me up, and helped me through an incredibly painful post delivery infection and recovery (if by helped, I mean examined me and gave me a prescription for antibiotics). So, I guess he does know me. But, he tends to assume and guess my thoughts and reactions regarding childbirth, birth control and pain tolerance. All of which he's been wrong about.
As I said, I started going to him because I knew someone who went to him. I didn't really care what he was like at that time, I just needed an OB. I continued to stay with him because while my pregancy was completely normal and healthy, we were incredibly busy (getting married, moving, planning for the baby, etc) and I just couldn't deal with trying to find a different doc on top of all of that. Plus his no nonsense attitude told me that he was going to be calm and firm in the delivery room, which was something I wanted. I wanted someone who was going to say, "All right, push, girl, and do it well!".... not someone who was going to pat my head and comfort me. And I was right... he was like that and that was good. Now I continue to stay with him because of ongoing health issues and plan to move on once everything is resolved once and for all.
But in the meantime, he sucks! At my six week postpartum check up, I was still "recovering" and in a considerable amount of pain. To put a frame of reference on it, I still couldn't walk very far or for long and it still hurt to sit down. He did the exam, as gently as I think he could, and I laid there and cried. He asked me several times how I was doing, as he knew that I was hurting... good for him, all very appropriate. Then when the exam was over the nurse asked if I would like some tylenol. He stood, writing in my chart, with his back to me and proceeded to answer for me, "No, she's ok". What the F---? I looked at the nurse, still crying, and nodded yes. She sort of smiled and got me tylenol. He turned around and finally looked at my face and said, "Oh."
That's just one example, and really, the only one I think I'm comfortable sharing, because as we all know, those exams get pretty personal pretty fast, but hopefully you get the idea. Is he a bad doctor? No. I've never felt unsafe or freaked out or that he wasn't medically making sure I was ok. But, he's an A-Hole otherwise and I'm over it. Anyone in Orlando know a good Gyn.?
Anniversary countdown is on!
Our anniversary is in four days... I am so excited. A little stumped for gift ideas, though... I won't go into that too much because I know my husband reads my blog. Hopefully something will come to me... and soon.Our son forgot how to sleep through the night last night. He was wide awake around three or four and hungry. This of course affects how much he ended up having to eat around seven this morning... but whatever. Hopefully tonight will be better rest for everyone. Just a thought... in our shower we have those gigantic bottles of Pantene shampoo. The bottle of shampoo is more than half full, but everytime I get into the shower after my husband, he has turned the bottle over, as if to make it easier to get the shampoo out of the bottle. I could understand that if it was conditioner, but it's an almost full bottle of shampoo. Why?Speaking of our bathroom, we continue to battle a gross mold problem. I don't really even want to think about what's in the air that the three of us are breathing. Gross.
The Office
What is going on with this show? I used to absolutely love it. I also used to get so excited about Jim and Pam one day getting together, and now I just don't care. They're both so... blah. I mean, they're funny, but it's like, they like each other and don't really do anything at all about it. That is just frustrating to me and no fun to watch. Part of me feels like they should never even be together now. They don't deserve each other. Pam bugs me. Roy is a total idiot.
I've started to enjoy watching the Dwight Shrute/ Angela love affair more than the Jim and Pam thing. At least they're funnier to watch.
And what's with always making those sad, awkward moments when everyone suddenly feels bad for Michael. We all know he's a dork, but he's somewhat of a good hearted, idiotic dork. We dont' need this drilled home to us every week, as in last night's episode where he showed the clip of him being a child star and everyone realized all he really wants is a family and friends. Gag. Does anyone else watch this show? Comments?
Hailey's Birthday
The Baby is getting ready to nod off to nappy time in the swing... I hope. Well, it's Friday, and St. Patrick's Day. Three years ago, I went out and went to work the next day (at an adult drug treatment center) hung over. Oops. Two years ago, I went out and literally partied all night long. I think I got home at five am and went to work the next day. Last year, I was pregnant and probably asleep by seven pm. This year... no plans as of yet. I guess it's not cool to bring your six month old baby to Scruffy Murphy's, although I have no doubts that he would love it. Oh, well. Sometimes these things really bother me, but not so much today. Maybe next year we'll go out and have a green beer.
It's also my oldest friend's oldest daughter's birthday. She is six today. Happy Birthday, Hailey.
We have another wedding to go to tomorrow. We fully intend on making Senor Smooth wear his tux again.
Due to it being Spring Break this week, my husband and I have gotten to work together two days this week. It was fun. We sat in the same little office that we fell in love in a few years ago. He continued to crack me up and we got to go on nice little baby free lunch dates. I love him.
have a good weekend!
Happy Birthday!!
Today is our son's six month birthday!!!!!!!!!! YES!!! For some reason, this is a huge milestone for ME. I feel like I've successfully completed Part 1 of Baby Life. I'm optimistic that part 2 will be more enjoyable, since the little tyke has grown up so much.What else? Oh, I DID jinx us... the little one didn't sleep well last night. Poor Husband took the brunt of it while I peacefully slept. And... beware of the Ides of March!
It ain't easy bein' green...
Too green? I was wanting to celebrate St. Patrick's day... but... it's really green. I don't know if this background is going to work out.
I'm getting sleep!!!
So, I don't want to jinx it... but the Baby has slept all through the night for three of the past four nights... (Applause!) My husband and I "aren't talking about it" for fear of jinxing it... but, hey, in the words of Meatloaf (almost) Three out of four ain't bad. And when I say through the night... here's how it goes. Asleep by six pm, awake at eight or nine for a little bottle, back to sleep until 6:30 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm astounded even as I type it.We'll see what happens tonight. I'm hopeful...
The 'Rents...
My parents are moving away. They live in South Florida, as they have my whole life. They are in the process of moving to North Carolina. Clarification~ my mom and stepdad.
They are in NC right now, looking for a house. Brad, Brad, My Cool Stepdad was on his way to a job interview on Monday, and got in a really bad car accident. He's OK, thank god... but he is pretty sore... he spent the night in the hospital and the rental car was totalled, etc, etc. I really feel for them because how awful and scary to have something like that happen, and on top of that, when you're in a strange city, trying to buy a house, etc.
This whole thing with them moving has been very difficult for me. Right now they live about three hours away. I have seen them considerably less since getting pregnant and having our son, but they were still not very far, and I just figured (that's what you get for assuming, I guess), that we were going to see them a lot once the baby came. When they move, they will be eight hours away (by car), which sucks. I've been told over and over by my family that eight hours is not that bad, in the way of saying, don't crap on my parade here, just be happy for me. And, I've finally gotten to a place where I'm pretty happy for them, but it took awhile.
About a year ago, my brother, who was living in Orlando at the time, announced he wanted to move to NC. I was newly pregnant, and devastated. My bro and I have always been close and I had been so excited for him and "Phetus" (as our son was called while he was still in the ute.) to get to know each other. Not to mention, that I was going to miss him terribly. He moved about a week or two after our son was born and loves it there. I'm pretty happy for him, too.
I miss my family. I really thought that things were going to be different and that they would be around more, not less, with the birth of our son. They have been understanding of my dissappointment, but have reiterated many times that "this is just what they have to do". The moves were good for everyone financially, and emotionally for my parents, who really suffered with Hurricane Wilma, and as my mom puts it, "cannot handle another one like that". I believe her and I know that there will be more big hurricanes to come, so considering that, she's doing the right thing.
It just sucks because our son is now six months old and my family has seen him twice. Once when he was born (for about a week) and then for a few days at Christmas when he was three months old. At this rate, he'll see them maybe four times a year, which means he's not even going to know them as he grows up. My inlaws see him probably four times a week. I wish my parents knew our son like they do. They know how he likes to have his bottle, what makes him laugh, etc, etc.
I don't want my parents to be far away, especially because they are getting older, and with time, less and less likely to travel to see us anyway. Plus, I love them and want to see them.
But... they're excited and happy. I'm confused and disappointed. I miss them, but I want them "to do what they have to do." What a bummer.
A little less Barbie...
I toned down the pepto color a bit. I like it...One of the greatest kids' shows I ever seen is Charlie and Lola... It is so CUTE! I love it.
Where does one buy a decent flex capacitor?
I've made some new friends. They all fit under the category of Orlando Fashion Square Mall Employees. I've officially become a regular at the mall with my son. Probably about two or three times a week, we walk over to the mall and walk around for a couple of hours. It's great for a number of reasons:Indoors, so you can walk around in any kind of weather.Lots of stuff to eat (Chick Fil A)Lots of stuff to buy (I never buy anything)Lots and lots of stuff for little babies in strollers to look at.The mall is like this baby haven. There's big bathrooms with changing tables, little old ladies dying to talk to your baby, benches to sit on and play with your baby...I've been there so often that I've literally walked (with my huge stroller~ to the chagrin of salespeople) through every store. OK, that's a lie. I've never gone into that weird comic book store. But I've been everywhere else. I recognize employees now, and I'm realizing that they recognize me and Child. (How could you forget a face like his?!) We are all starting to do the little smile/ head nod of recognition when we see each other. I could tell you off the top of my head where every single store in that mall is located. I know that the bathroom at Dillards is a much better place to change a baby's diaper than the bathroom at JC Penney's. I know that I can't go into Macy's while the baby's sleeping because their music is too loud and wakes him up. I know that I can't afford baby shoes from Pip Squeaks. I know that the Japanimation/ Hello Kitty Store (weird!?) sometimes never even opens. I know that no one shops at Bagz and Thingz. Probably because they misspelled Bags and things. Someone should tell them... but no one ever will because no one ever goes in that store. And finally, there is a tshirt airbrush store... I think to go in there you have to find a time machine (preferably a delorean) and program it to 1985. Hopefully you'll have enough road to get that baby up to 88 miles per hour. Unless where your going you don't need roads.OK!! I guess I watched Back to the Future a few too many times. I can't help it. I love that movie. This is getting too weird. Although, it was nice to get a little weird for a few minutes.There's a man standing by the pool with an orange vest on. Is he a groundskeeper or an inmate? What do you think? I'll take a poll.
I'm a little bipolar.
Yikes. Funny how you can feel so... "I miss my old life" one minute, and then literally the next morning, you're like, "This is the best ever." I am not used to going from one extreme to the next so fast, and it's a little tiring. I don't know where that came from yesterday except that I do cherish freedom and miss it to a certain degree... but, sheesh, I sounded so pitiful.Sorry for the wallowing... I'm happy.
I miss my old life. I had it really good. (Now, don't think I don't love my life, child, and husband.) But... I just read an old elementary/ junior/ high school friend's blog. Her weekend seemed to be all movies and naps and going out to eat. Jealous!
I think that I am also jealous because my wonderful inlaws came and babysat yesterday, allowing my husband and I to get out for a little while on our own. We had lunch, saw a movie (Walk the Line-- LOVE it!) It was a little taste of our old freedom. I had so many weekends of movies, naps, and restaurants (and going out, drinking, and dancing). It was so fun. Even when I was leaving my ex-husband and going through a bad divorce, I was still having some fun.
I'm not trying to complain or sound ungrateful, I just miss doing whatever I wanted to do whenever I wanted to do it. Oh, well. I'm a mom now, so those days are over. Boo.
It's going to get a little weird... that's what my husband says... it's from the movie Starsky and Hutch... dissapointing movie, and the only saving grace is that Will Ferrell shows up near the end. Anyway, the weird line is Will's line. We are big Ferrell fans.
I say it's going to get a little weird because the baby is pleasant. Here's my theory as to why. My husband got up with him at 6:30 and fed him. The Baby never eats much in the morning, but he did have a little. He's been in a pretty good mood ever since. However, it is now nine am and the little one needs a nap. Usually, he's crying and cranky at this point, but right now, he's just chilling in the swing, smiling and chewing on his blanket. Weird.
My husband and I have asked his parents to babysit this weekend. Don't know if they will, but I'm hoping they say yes. We are thinking that it would be good to go out to dinner/ movie or something.
Oh, things are back to normal now. He's fussy. Poor guy, he's really tired.
Anyway, hopefully they say yes and we can have some time alone together. The last time we did anything together sans baby was a month ago during the Disney Adventure weekend. That was followed immediately with the start of the Brain Cyst Saga of '06... so any rest, relaxation, or fun that was had at Disney was quickly forgotten.
Signing off now... he's nodding off in the swing... the typing keeps him up.
Anger Management?
Whoa. I need to get a hold of myself. I think all I really need is some sleep, honestly. This morning, the Baby and I went on an outing to Babies R Us, to pick up his essentials... diapers, wipes, nursery water, and formula. Formula was the most important, because we were pretty low on it.
I got to Babies R Us with the little one (this is no small feat to those of you with no kids. There are strollers, car seats, baby bags, crying babies, etc,), walked in, and went right to the area of the store that sells actual necessities (instead of recliners, and insane amounts of baby clothes). This area is the back corner of the store... clever, huh? They make you truck all the way through all their crap just to buy some diapers, with the hopes that you will see and decide to purchase a walker for a hundred dollars.
Anyway. I get all the way back there with my fussy, crying teething baby, to find that they do not have the formula I need. The Baby is on a very specific kind of formula that is supposed to help his reflux. It does help, so we keep buying it. Anyway. They didn't have it. I was extremely furious about this. I mean, like, major mad. I was my very own version of Red Ross.
What was to be done about this? Nothing, really. What was my option? I had to leave, pack up the car and go across the street to Target. This is a major pain in the ass, but not the worst thing in the world. However, if you'd seen me, or been there with me, you would have thought it was the worst thing in the world. I almost started crying (again.... I do this ALL the time).
It wasnt' that long ago that this would not have phased me a bit. I am by nature an extremely laid back person. I don't really know what even happened to that person.
I also used to be:
Those qualities are also gone, or are at least on a very long hiatus.
I considered complaining to the check out girl, but before I did, I took a good look at her and realized that a 19 year old with black eyeliner and an eyebrow ring really didn't care. And why should she? I know I didn't care about people's quests to find the right baby formula ten years ago.
Teething hell continues.