Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Well rested
Oh, and I don't want to jinx it, but we've had three nights in a row of a full nights' sleep. No wonder I'm feeling better.Some improvements
OK, I'm pleased to say that Jack is officially "on the mend". His stomach issues from his antibiotics are pretty much under control, thanks to the BRAT diet, and I'm thinking his ear infections might actually be gone... although he was pulling on his ears earlier, so who knows. Anyway, we are hoping to send him back to school next week (which I'm sure will cause another cold/ virus/ infection immediately).In other news, we are now the owners of a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe, which is really, really great. The car is so nice... and BIG. It's amazing what a difference having some room makes. I haven't really even gotten to drive it yet, because we need to get a FL plate before I can order a new parking pass for work, so hopefully, soon that will all be worked out.
Speaking of work, it's going well. I'm liking my new job, liking the money, liking the kids, etc, etc. I really miss Jack and have had several breakdowns regarding this. It's very hard to adjust to full time, especially while he is miserable and sick. But it's easier when he's feeling better. First full paycheck next Monday!! Yes!!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Not really a good week or weekend for that matter.
I don't really have too much energy to post, but just wanted to check in and let everyone know, that unfortunately, we are in "survival mode" again. Jack has been sick with ear infections and a stomach virus for at least two weeks now, and I was just sprayed in puke about ten minutes ago. I thought if I just kept pushing the Pedialyte, he would drink it and not get dehydrated. Instead, he threw it up all over me.Keith is in Miami with family. Someone we love very much is not in good health right now, so we are also dealing with that.
Jack was up about five times last night with various ailments, ear pain, stomachaches, who knows what else. All I know is I'm about to start getting ready for bed. I just put Jack to bed and I have a feeling neither of us will be sleeping through the night tonight.
I don't want to bring anybody down, but I don't have any cute stories or anecdotes right now. I'll try to write more soon, when everyone is hopefully feeling better.