Sunday, February 19, 2006

Well, tomorrow we meet with the pediatric neurosurgeon. I am nervous, afraid, and a little excited. I am hopeful that we will be reassured and that our son will be helped.

We are exhausted. I have forgotten to eat today. Not entirely true... I had a banana and a bagel at some point. I know, I know, I KNOW!!!!!!!! that self care is very important in times like these. I'm a counselor, I've said it to people many many times.

To top it all off, the baby continues to teethe. I guess his top two are working there way in. We were told by our pediatrician to take our son to the ER if he, at any time, displays any odd behaviors, because that is a sign of brain damage. Nice. So, how do you factor teething into that? I THINK he's teething because he's cried off and on all day long and hardly eaten anything. However, I guess it's possible that it's not his teeth. I mean, I can't prove he's teething, really, until those little tuffems work their way through. So, who knows? I guess I'm confident that it's the teeth, or else we'd have already gone back to Arnold Palmer.

For what it's worth, I said as I left that hospital with my beautiful newborn son and wonderful husband, back in september, that I never wanted to go back there. Oh, well. It was worth a try.

Highlight of the day... listening to a Neil Diamond cd with husband and baby, the two of them dancing around to Cracklin' Rosie.

going to eat and crash.


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