Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And baby makes three, four, or five

You know how all of the sudden you turn 25, and all your friends, kids you grew up with, cousins, etc, start getting married? Well, I've found the same thing happened to us regarding babies. I got pregnant a year ago... I mean literally, about a year and 1 month ago, but within a few months, four other women I knew were also pregnant.

One was a coworker, with her first baby, who, strangely, has always been very competitive with me. This has always been kind of funny to me because I am so NOT competitive that it would tickle me, so to speak, that she even cared what I was doing at work and then was even trying to top it. So the kicker came when she became pregnant four months after me. Stop trying to be like me!!!!!!!

Anyway, the next one was my oldest friend, who I've known for 22 years, who very unexpectedly (I can relate) got pregnant with their 3rd baby. And I have felt bad for her ever since.

Then!! Two more girlfriends called and said, "Guess what?" One was going to have her second and another was going to have her first.

I guess that when you take a married woman in her late twenties and you roll the dice, odds are that she's trying or wanting to or Oh Crap getting pregnant. But it was weird. I like to think that I started a trend.

Anyway, she who was to have her surprise 3rd, gave birth two days ago. Third baby, first boy, and this guy is HUGE. He was almost ten pounds. Ugh. I don't even like to think about it. But I wish them all well. For all the complaining I do about babies, I love my son to death. He is so wonderful, that I'm beginning to be able to understand why people want to have children. Now, I don't want anymore of them... but I do understand it.

On to the mold issue. We live in a great apt. But, it's kind of old and we've recently noticed some mold growing here and there, mostly around windows and in the bathroom. This is so disappointing because I love our apt. and not only do I not want to move because moving sucks! but also because I LOVE IT HERE. But if these crap heads don't get in here and clean up this mold, then we are going to have to get the hell out of dodge. Hello! We have a baby!! This whole paragraph may not make a lot of sense, but don't worry, I'm just venting.

My very best friend and I had an idea yesterday to start a business selling post partum underwear with funny sayings printed on them, like Do Not Enter and Rebuilding in Progress.

Speaking of underwear... I am again wearing my beautiful wonderful Old Navy's...Best purchase I ever made.

Oscar noms... still haven't seen any of them, but since the Disney Weekend is this weekend, we are planning to see a movie. Maybe the theatre will be showing Brokeback or Capote...

Oh, and regarding the State of the Union... all I really have the energy to say is... ugh. I hate him.

But I love you all!!!!


At 11:10 AM , Blogger suebaby said...

I forgot to include, "Happy Birthday, MOM!!!"


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