Saturday, February 18, 2006

An extremely bad two weeks.

Yet again, I have neglected the blog. Life has become, shall I say, without the slightest hint of being overdramatic, almost unbearable lately. The baby has a problem. A serious, scary one, at that. Don't freak out, my five friends that read this, if for only the reason that I need your support through this, and it's way more helpful if you are all calm.

A trip to the pediatrician office about two weeks ago, revealed that our son's head was big. Anyone who has seen him or a picture of him knows this, but to the ped., it was more of an issue that it's gotten big very quickly. He told me that he wanted a cat scan done, sending me into a panic, imagining hydroencephalus (water on the brain). Well, let me just catch you all up to speed.

The past two weeks have been true hell of cat scans and MRI's and now an upcoming trip to a pediatric neurosurgeon.

Our son does not have water on the brain, which is great, but he does have what appears to be a non cancerous cyst, growing in between his brain and his skull, causing his head to be bigger than it should be. The cyst is putting pressure on his brain and is probably going to need to be removed. Removal will probably require making a hole in his skull and draining the cyst.

Jesus Christ, I don't like talking about this.

We are going to the neurosurgeon on Monday morning to see if he thinks that our son needs surgery or what.

This kid is only five months old, and he's already been through acid reflux, some kind of colicky nightmare that went on for months and now, a brain tumor. And I say brain tumor, because according to the research that I've done, anything growing on/ in/ near the brain (cancer or not) is considered a brain tumor. My kid has a brain tumor. In a sick way, it's almost comical. I mean, a brain tumor is that "thing" that you say as joke, like, "hey, at least it's not a brain tumor."

Anyway, I'm going to have to cut this short, because the typing noises woke up the little one. If I may ask of you, please don't call me to talk about this. I'm much more comfortable communicating about this via email. That is, if you have anything you want to say about it, anyway. But, please don't feel like you have to say something or come up with something philosophical... no offense, but it won't really help anyway.

I'll give an update after we see the neurosurgeon. Also, please don't tell a lot of people about this. Most of my family don't even know, I'm waiting until after the neurosurgeon appt. to tell them.


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