Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's gross again. Sorry.

I'm realizing how incredibly lucky we were that Jack never really got sick until the Great Ear Infection of the Summer of 06. This isn't so much because of the ear infection though. jack was put on amoxicilin to clear up the infection. He is supposed to take it for 10 days... the tenth day will be Friday. Well, this stuff is not only clearing up the infection. It's clearing out his entire digestive system. He was pooping way more than usual in the beginning, but yesterday it turned into diarrhea hell. I basically begged the pediatrician over the phone for his blessing to stop giving Jack the antibiotics, and he basically told me to keep giving it to him, feed him yogurt, and give him fluids.


Meanwhile, the boy is crapping constantly, screaming and physically fighting us when we have to change his diaper because the skin on his bottom is horribly irritated, and we are constantly having to change his diaper because everytime we peek in there, it's full of crap.


And, then, it's like, his tummy settles, and he's fine. He's playing, talking, eating, etc. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow and leave Jack with Angie. I hope to god it goes well. We started giving him less of the amoxicilin and that has seemed to help a little. We basically just have to make it to Friday.

Meanwhile, Keith accidently took my keys this morning so I'm trapped in the house all day with the turd monster.

Interesting note... Jack has learned to harmonize with us. He can make the "Ooooh" sound in perfect tune and pitch with us. Maybe a future musical genius?


At 10:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought about the amoxiclin after reading the first poop story. I'll bet it was more of that then the mexican food. Hang in there, Friday is not that far away. Good luck to Angie!


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