Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Brought to you by Home Depot and Publix...

The Home Depot and Publix thing is a joke Keith and I have been making for a long time. Every time there's a hurricane, HD and Publix step up and start advertising like crazy during every commercial break during the news. As if they don't already make millions on bottled water and plywood and generators every September. Shameless. I'm not saying that people don't need to buy these things and be prepared, but stop pushing it in our faces. Everybody in Florida knows where to buy batteries and canned soup.

This Ernesto thing is getting ridiculous. It's like, the only thing on the radio or tv here. IT'S A TROPICAL STORM!! I mean, we have a baby and am hoping not to lose power tomorrow, as it's about 100 degrees every day, but people are freakin out. Unless, maybe... is it possible that there's ANOTHER Ernesto? One I don't even know about? And THAT Ernesto is a "Cat 5" (Thank you, Weather Channel guy who wears the black baseball cap)? If so, we're in trouble.

Ugh... I am hoping that they close schools tomorrow, because then Keith will be home with us. That would be nice.

Be safe, Floridians...


At 6:28 PM , Blogger sandie said...

Jim Cantore!! Have you ever seen him in a SUIT? He looks so weird without the black baseball cap!

I guess it's just cause I haven't really been paying attention to CNN or the paper in the last few days, but this Ernesto thing is flying right over my head. I'm like... wha?? Do I need water? Uh...

I'm pretty sure we're so far inland/north that it really doesn;t matter but... yeah. I lose at being informed :P

At 6:34 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

I was just feeding Jack dinner, and weather channel was on in the background... suddenly, a familiar voice called out to me... that of Jim Cantore! No suit... just the standard black muscle tee and black baseball cap. Even HE was saying that this is no big deal.

Yeah... Hey, Weather Channel... Call me when it becomes a Cat 3.


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