Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jack turns 11 months!

If you read Keith's blog, you probably already know that our little family ventured out of Orlando this past weekend for the first time since Christmas. It was a 90% success. Jack was great on the way to Tampa, great in Tampa, great at the baby shower, but not so great in the car on the way home from Tampa. Poor guy. I was about done, too, at that point. We'd spent a huge portion of the day in the car, and when we weren't in the car, we were outside in the heat.

But, we made it and I am very proud of us. Driving to Tampa isn't such a big deal, but it was for us when we had the Sultan in the car.

Our next big event is having my parents come to town and visit. This will be happening in less than two weeks. They haven't seen Jack since he was three months old, and I have told Jack to temporarily stop growing so that he won't get any bigger than he already is before they see him. This is very exciting stuff. They will only be here for about a day and a half, so we will need to make the most of the time.

Other big news...

Jack turns 11 months today. I already bought party decorations for next month's big bash. I am getting very excited about making the switch from formula to regular milk, which is done when a baby turns one. I have never done the math to see quite how much we've spent on formula this year (that would just be depressing) but I know that a can lasts about a week, maybe a week and a half and it's $23. per can. Easy math, but I still refuse to compute it. And if you love me, you won't either. And if you don't love me and you do the math, don't EVER tell me the amount.

I am also happy to report that we are halfway through August and have not been hit by any hurricanes... yet.


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