Friday, June 23, 2006

If you love me, you'll stop crying.

Is that an irrational thought to have about your nine month old son? I guess it is, but I can't help it. Are you ready for this shocker? It has been another LONG day. Jack had his 9 month old check up this morning, which was fine except he didn't take his morning nap (the one that he takes at 9:30) until 11:15. This was because we were driving him to the dr. (thought he'd sleep in the car, but that didn't happen), and then waiting an hour to be seen, so it's not like he's going to sleep then.

He did sleep when it was all over and we were back in the car, on the way to meet an old friend and her new baby. Upon meeting them, I was immediately validated for thinking "I think we have a hard baby" for the past nine months. This little guy (also named Jack) was as mellow as they come. If he were an eighteen year old, I would have thought he'd just smoked a doobie (ha ha I said doobie) or something. It was frustrating to hear about how he started sleeping through the night at five weeks, never cries, etc, etc, but also nice to hear that, yes, in fact, I've been right all along, that's it's not just that I have no patience or tolerance for crying, and that, in fact, Keith and I have a difficult baby.

Sometimes, when you live in a little bubble that mainly consists of you, your husband, and your baby and sometimes includes talking to or seeing your friends that don't have any kids, you start to think, "Maybe all babies are like this. Maybe I just am not good at it. Maybe it's just that I don't like it." Well, I guess that still could be true, but at least now I know that SOME babies are seemingly a piece of cake.

Instead of hating my friend and her laid back jack, I am truly happy for her. I wouldn't wish colic on anyone. Well, maybe Tom Cruise. I don't care much for him.


At 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colic... Tom Cruise... No Problem! He'd just take some vitamens and be fine!! He's such a dumb ass.

Glad to hear the Dr. appt went well

At 4:57 PM , Blogger sandie said...

Ew, Tom Cruise!!

At 5:53 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

I know... remember when Cocktail came out and we all loved him? Of course, we were like 12... not you, LJ... I guess you were a little littler, but I'm sure you can relate. Anyway! Talk about jumping the crazy, drug free, Scientology shark! I hope for his sake he or his little 18 year old fiancee never become clinically depressed. Sheesh... I sound kind of angry there.

At 7:15 PM , Blogger sandie said...

He's an ass. And I feel sorry for Katie Holmes. She's practically young enough to be his daughter. Ew. Now throw the Scientology wackiness in there. Ugh, the whole thing just reeks of ew.


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