Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Early Riser

Despite my very unhappy venty theme on Friday, we actually had a great weekend. However, our son now likes to wake up for the day at 4:30am. Sometimes we get lucky and he sleeps until 5;00. This is very frustrating and tiresome for everyone. Our son has been way crankier and we are super tired. We've tried to lull him back to sleep in his swing or leave him in his crib and neither work. We all end up awake and just taking him out to the living room. Today he took a nap from 7:00 to 8:30, thank goodness. We went back to sleep too and that helped a lot. This has been hard though. Any thoughts from parents on what to do?

Other than that, things are fine. We are getting ready to pack and are excited about getting into our new place. Jack has started pulling himself up to standing all by himself, so that's pretty cool. Not much else to say other than WE ARE TIRED.


At 1:58 PM , Blogger sandie said...

I, too, have been there! Dane spent quite some time waking up sometime during the hour of 4am. I can't rememeber how long it lasted or when it started (funny how we block these details out after awhile!!) but I do remember that (brace yourself) all of our schemes to get him to "sleep in" failed pretty consistently.

We tried keeping him up later, encouraging less napping in the afternoons, eating more before bed, and etc. but he just kept right on waking up super early.

Eventually, he grew out of it and now usually wakes up sometime in the 6am hour. It was just one of "those things" I guess. Luckily he was always ready for a nap about an hour after waking when it was THAT early.

Good Luck!


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