Thursday, June 08, 2006

This is what I would buy.

A short list of the things I will be only too happy to spend my money on when it is not all being funneled away by the purchases of diapers and formula, paying medical bills, Florida prepaid college, and Chick Fil A.

1. Clothes. Going to the mall at least once a week is a bit masochistic when you cannot afford to buy anything. Last time I was there I spent $3. That was on a cookie and a coke. Not bad. However, I walk by the Limited and look at the pretty things and just sigh. Maybe in a few months, I say to myself. Maybe the business will be thriving and Jack will be off of formula. Maybe...

2. A car for my husband. I need one too, but I have a pretty strong feeling that his will be the first to go. His car is eleven years old and has almost 200 thousand miles on it. To be honest, I have no idea what we're going to do when it dies.

3. Traveling. Duh.

4. Furniture. We're about to move into a nice, big townhouse and we do not have nearly enough stuff to fill it. Not a major issue or anything, but it would be cool to be in a nice, new pretty house with nice, new pretty stuff.

5. Electronic things for my husband. We only have one tv, which I'm actually happy about, but hopefully that gives you an idea of how electronically lacking we are. I don't really even know what an I pod is.

6. A car for me. Mine is small and getting old and I just want a new one.

7. A real magic wand for the Frog Pond Wizard.


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