Saturday, June 17, 2006

For the Fathers...

Two years ago, I would not have had much of anything positive to say about Father's day. I would have said, I think my stepdad is a pretty great guy... not much else to share there. Things change, though, and I feel like I have more to say now. So, an homage to the dads:

My Dad, Joe~ I don't see or talk to my dad much, and that's ok. One thing he's been doing lately that I like is ordering a copy of every picture I send him of Jack. No one else has done that. I am glad that he wants to have those pictures.

My Stepdad, Brad~ Brad is a fun, caring, sweet, hardworking man. He has been a great Dad figure to me for the past ten years or so. He's good to my mom, too.

My Father in Law, Richard~ Well, I can start by saying he's a bit of a character and can make just about anyone go a little crazy. However, I have never seen a grandpa be more involved or more attentive to their grandchild. I never expected to fully entrust a man of about fifty- five (sorry, that's not his exact age) with my infant son, but I totally do. I say that because I have never known a man of that age who either seems comfortable or willing to spend a whole day with a baby. But he does! And he does a good job! Richard is loving, caring, playful, etc, when it comes to Jack. Jack is lucky to have a grandpa that drives across town all the time just to take care of him. That's a rare thing.

Last, but not least,

My Husband, Keith~ Anyone who knows me or has read this blog can probably tell that I'm insanely crazy about my husband. I truly appreciate what I have with him and know that there is no one else like him anywhere. Keith is the greatest dad ever. He is wonderful with Jack and is completely involved in Jack's life. There has never been anything regarding Jack that Keith wouldn't do, nothing that has ever been considered Mommy's Job, in fact, Keith is almost always the one to give Jack his bath at night and there is no one else that can seem to get Jack to laugh as hard as Keith does. I love him.

I guess that's it. There have been a few other male father figure types that have come and gone through my life, but as of right now, these are the dad's I know, I know, these are the dad's I know. (for some Kids in the Hall fun, substitute Dave for Dad and sing the Dave Song!)


At 9:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great F'n Day! Thanks Babe. Wanna go ona trip babe. Where you wanna go babe? Wanna go see Jesus babe?


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