Friday, April 13, 2007

Jack is spoiled.

well, Jack is doing so so so much better... except for the sleeping. I guess while he was sick he got into the habit of waking up in the middle of the night. We both got up with him, gave him a little milk, changed him, and put him back to bed. Not such a big deal when he's sick.

But now, he's well. And it's still happening.

He could very well be rightfully thirsty. He drinks the milk and seems happy with it. Almost every night, he's gone straight to sleep after the milk.

It also could be sep. anxiety... or just that he's in a bad habit.

We have two choices: either keep getting up with him... forever. Or let him cry it out one night and hopefully he won't do it again.

Honestly, I'd rather get up with him than put all of us through an hour or hours long scream fest that would create in the middle of the night. I'm just not up for that.


At 8:01 AM , Blogger sandie said...

Sometimes you just gotta do whatever is easier!


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