Tuesday, September 12, 2006


What do you do when there's no coke in the house, therefore it's 2:00 and you've had no caffeine ALL DAY? Maybe that's why I have a headache and why I felt like I was falling asleep while talking to my mom on the phone.

I can't just run to the store to buy coke... Here's why:

Jack is about to have his afternoon bottle.

Then Jack is hopefully going to take a nap.

I'm too tired to figure out a way to put Jack in the car, drive to the gas station, get Jack out of the car, buy a coke, put Jack back in the car (because he will be screaming, oh, yes, he will be screaming) and drive home all before the above mentioned afternoon bottle is needing to be drank (drunk?).

I'd rather lay on the floor and watch him eat carpet fuzz.


At 11:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach on, sistah. My suggestion: nearest drive-thru. I've done a caffeine drive-by on Starbucks or the arches at least twice a week for the last six months. At least that's just one load in and out of the car; I am either in my car or house at all times and no longer see the inside of such establishments. Remember jumping in your car and just driving somewhere on the spur of the moment, windows down and radio rockin'? Grabbing your keys and going anywhere, free of diaper bags, strollers, babies who pull your hair when you have no free hands to stop them because that's when they find it to be the funniest? I also get the chocolate cravings pretty bad and actually opened a bag of dry cookie dough mix we bought months ago to pilfer a few powdery chocolate chips rather than make the dreaded pack and drive to the store. Rock bottom? So far...

At 9:23 AM , Blogger sandie said...

Yes, I agree... sometimes you just gotta drive thru!

At 10:08 AM , Blogger suebaby said...

I think I was so tired yesterday that the thought of a drive thru didn't even occur to me. Sheesh...


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