Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I love everything that Jack does now that tells me he's getting bigger. He can almost walk, he's starting to talk, playing by himself, feeding himself, etc.

But... there's one thing that tends to happen at this age that I DO NOT LIKE. The transition from two naps to one.

About 60% of the time, Jack still takes a morning and afternoon nap. And then, sometimes, he just skips one of them. Usually it's the afternoon nap. Like today. Drank his bottle at two, he was super tired, falling asleep, I put him in the crib and here we are at three. He's playing happily while I type out my frustrations. He just won't fall asleep.

Of course, it could be worse. He sleeps well at night and I didn't have to get up until seven am today. So, that's cool. But those naps are very important. To me! Breaks are important, highly anticipated, and necessary.

How can I get him to keep taking two naps a day? Of course, without giving him sedatives or hypnotizing him. I am not interested in changing his nighttime sleeping schedule and he already spends most of his day crawling and playing... so I know he's burning up energy. Any ideas?


At 7:37 AM , Blogger sandie said...

I know what you mean! As soon as you get the hang of something or get into the swing of any sort of routine, they like to switch it up on ya.

I don't really have any advice... you MIGHT want to try putting him down a little BEFORE you normally would... for some reason that sometimes works over here.

Dane's going back and forth between one and two naps, too. It wouldn't bother me if he took one THREE hour nap, but that just ain't happening. The boy never sleeps more than an hour and half at a time during the day. Sigh... they are growing up!


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