Sunday, September 17, 2006

Birthday recap

The party was a success! Keith really summed the whole experience up well when, while jockeying for position to get the best picture of Jack with a rainbow of frosting on his face, said, "I feel like Steve Martin in Parenthood."


Well, we are parents, so that makes sense. But our little birthday shindig for Jack felt like the Cowboy Dan/ Gil birthday party craziness of Parenthood.

We had about twenty people come, and we quickly realized that our house is too small to host a birthday party in with twenty people. However, we kept things on a tight schedule with three main objectives:

One quick get together game (called You Don't Know Jack... everyone had to fill out a questionairre to see how much they knew about the birthday boy).

Presents (open them fast to avoid boredom, yet make sure to fawn over each item appropriately. Try to make light of when your son picks up a new toy and the giver is watching with delight, only to have son throw the toy across the room and pick up a piece of carpet fuzz.)

Cake (get messy, get pictures, get cleaned up. Quickly.)

All three objectives were attained. Jack hung in there like a champ, only really losing it as the party was winding down, therefore sending a subtle message of , "OK, thanks for the presents, you can leave any time now."

He got tons of toys and clothes which was what was needed, people were nice, happy, ate most of the provided snacks, and went on their merry way.

I said to Stef and Jay as the whole thing started to die down, "I feel like I just got married". We had put so much work and time into this and having it be over was a relief, but sad, too. We also were pretty stressed out in the minutes leading up to the party because a) Jack refused to take a second nap and b) because someone fed him Indian food just hours before the party, with the exact effect that you might think Indian food would have on a baby.

It was great though... I'm happy for Jack that we had so many people that wanted to share his birthday with him. He's lucky.


At 2:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It smells like a diaper filled with Indian food" ~Anchorman

Hope Jack's birthday was DYNOMITE.

At 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rerun, Ron Burgundy, and Suebaby...

Question...what's wrong with the smell of Indian food? It smells like love, happiness, and exotic far away places...besides, babies like it despite the after effects and look on their faces. It's not all about Chik Fil A and chocolate chip cookies. You don't know Jack.

"You fed a baby chili?"
~T.V. repair woman in Mr. Mom

At 7:35 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

I love Ron Burgundy and people that can quote his movie willy- nilly. I didn't care for that Love Panda, though.

And Swamp King... Indian food does not smell good... it smells like smelly spices and people at Disney World who I'd rather not stand in line next to.

Yes, it IS all about Chik fil a... don't mess with a woman who hasn't had a chik fil a fix in months.

Can I... have a moment... to myself please?

At 7:35 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

By the way, Amy, what the hell are you doing awake at 2:20am... don't you have like, 18 kids to take care of during the day?!

At 8:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but after my Cheaper By The Dozen day is over I am often on the phone taking HSN orders until 2am. (My part-time job.)

p.s. Did you get Jack's gift? I just tracked and saw it was left on the front door. Thanks Brown. What can you do for me? Get a signature...

At 9:54 AM , Blogger suebaby said...

Hey Tits...

We got the gift yesterday... excuse me for not getting the thank you card in the mail yet!! Actually it's great... I was playing with it this morning... it's like the futuristic version of the letter magnets of our youth. Thanks for thinking of Jack... you're the best.

Holy crap... I thought my day of juggling two jobs and one baby was hard. You have a job and forty six babies to juggle. Yikes.

At 1:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool. I just track so many packages for HSN, that I have come to dread finding "Front Door" in place of signature on Brown's website. It usually means "goner". St. Cloud must be like Mayberry!


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