Blog apathy, a bad connection, and more JW adventures
I have been feeling guilty about my lack of blogging. Part of it is that I'm having a hard time finding time to do it, another part is a bit of apathy... I guess the blog novelty has worn off, and the other part is that we have a very bad (sometimes nonexistent) internet connection and sometimes, when I actually have the time, I don't have the connection.Anyway, a little JW update. When was this? Saturday? I don't know for sure and I'm already getting ahead of myself.
The JW's have been out in full force, specifically two young boys (maybe 16?) on their bikes. They often frequent the house next door to us and then a few weeks ago, they rang our doorbell.
They, of course, were just as sweet as they could be, and asked if they could talk to me about Jesus Christ. I politely said that I really didn't want to talk about this with them and then I told them that I did not want them to come back. They were equally polite and went on their way. Ahhh. All done. Uh, no.
So! I guess it was Saturday afternoon and they were back. Their specific goal was clearly to talk to our neighbors, as they showed up, knocked, rang the bell, and proceeded to wait for our not- home- neighbors for like 20 minutes! Keith and I were watching this and were a little confused as to why they were... for lack of a better term, loitering.
Meanwhile, Jack's naptime approached, we put him in his crib and he fell asleep. The JW's continued to stand around our neighbors house, even sitting on the floor of their back patio. Also, everytime they passed by the door or one of our windows, they peeked in. Now we're both starting to get pissed.
Finally, they rang our bell. BAD DECISION! Keith and I answered the door, both very annoyed. Now, one of the reasons I asked the JW's not to come back is because I don't want to talk to them about Jesus Christ. The other reason is that Jack takes naps and if you happen to ring our doorbell while he's napping, he usually wakes up. Rather than explain that to the JW's the first time they came by, I just told them I didn't want them to come back. Silly me, I assumed telling someone not to come back to my home would be enough.
Anyway, back to the ringing doorbell. We answered the door together and looked at them expectantly. I think both of them were sorry they rang the bell as soon as we opened the door. Then they asked if they could use our phone to call the neighbors, as apparently, the neighbors told them to come by at this time and then are nowhere to be found. "No," was our answer. Then we told them that I'd already told them not to come back so what were they doing here? And this time I did explain that part of that reason was because of our sleeping one year old.
They appeared to feel very bad. They apologized profusely and left. I've not seen them in the neighborhood since.
I really don't have anything against JW's or in believing in something. I really don't like to make people feel bad. But! It pissed me off that they chose to ring our bell, after I'd specifically asked them not to come back. It would piss me off if anyone did this.
I am assuming that since they were really only asking to use our phone, instead of talking about religion, they probably felt that it was ok to bother us. Maybe they are lacking in common sense or something. I never would make this type of leap in logic, so I really don't know what they were thinking.
And that's where the story ends.
Although, I'd like to thank Jesus because that time, the ringing doorbell did not wake Jack.
Well, after writing a long, extremely witty response to your blog only to have it erase when attempting to publish...I have reverted to a shorter, unfunny response. Elders beware of sleep deprived parents when their one year olds are time my wife will not be so friendly I presume!
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