Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Birthday, Kelly and a rambling on the treatment of young women in our society... yes, I digressed.

I don't know how many of you are still reading this blog, as I've been very unmotivated and not writing much lately, but if you are, please take a minute to wish my oldest friend, Kelly, a Happy 30th Birthday today!!!

Kelly turning thirty means it will soon be my turn. Her birthday is three months before mine. I am ok with this, I think. Lots of people talk about all the big birthdays like they are to be dreaded or something... but I have been looking forward to thirty for years.

In a world where I've often been treated as helpless or unable to do things all by myself (because I am a small, quiet female,) I've been hoping for a long time that by turning thirty, I will officially be an adult and will be treated as such.

"Just a Girl" by No Doubt should be playing in the background.

I also hope that as many of my friends are either nearing or recently passed birthday, that this is the case for them as well.

Yes, I can drive all by myself at night, in the rain. Yes, I can do the math to figure out the tip. Yes, I can pump my own gas and open my own car door. Yes, I can buy a cheap piece of furniture from Target and put it together all by myself.

Sometimes I do need a little help opening a jar. I am small.


At 8:32 AM , Blogger sandie said...

You know I always check in here!

After you turn 30, only 5 more years until you can be President!

At 8:01 PM , Blogger suebaby said...

Yes! I would be a great president, if I don't mind saying.

At 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww, gosh by golly...thanks for remembering me as I age :) You're the super bestest. Thanks for the phonecall too! I spent the big 3-0 in sunny South FL and, of course, had some yummy fondue to celebrate (MP you're the best!)! It was a super-d-duper day and I have to say it's been ok being officially old now :) Miss ya' and talk to you soon! Cool, Your Oldy Goldy 30-yr-old Bud :)


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